April 13-22 2 Hell Yes!
Yes they allow floaties. There is a collection of them building up there to use also.
Wendy sat on the pool bar every day when we were there for Halloween. still caught lots of sun.
You picked a great week to go. Lots of awsesome fun people thet week. We arrive on the 13. Make sure to book the infamous Boobs Cruise it is a...
Booking April 14-22, See ya there
One more sleep at home, then on a plane late tomorrow night for the redeye. See you all at the Sexy Pool on Sunday around noon.
We will most likely book the same dates, so will probably be on the same flights. See you in October first though. We will there on the 22nd to...
Vince & Wendy Oct.22 - Nov.02 Boobs Cruise YES!
Same here, just about slid under the 2x4 rail while pouring the 22nd floor of a tower here once. Slipped on the snow stepping outside the forms.
And I bet you she will bring up your next trip back first. Most likely before you even leave.
As Donald said plenty of people booking rooms for lower $200 mark
The point was that nobody else gives a shit. Size, shape, age, none of that matters there. Hence the Hotel Moto is Nobody Knows You and Nobody...
Actually I believe 20% is low , think that number is a lot higher when you factor in the different levels of swinging. Think you would be...
A large number of illegals actually enter via airports on a visa. They just don't leave after it expires.
We have Illegals here already as well, including Americans. Concrete company I worked for in my younger days employed mostly illegal Mexicans. If...
Wouldn't surprise me if he closes that door to Cuba
Mexico should never have to pay for the wall!!! It's not their wall, they don't want it!! If the Trump wants it so bad then pay for it!
You're gonna miss Ken's birthday
And the party grows!! Awesome, see to guys there.
Better than anything else I would think