I maximise space for the outfits by reducing space! Ie, bikini tops that I never wear, day outfits that I only need for going for lunch as we...
If your outfit is appropriate for dinner, ie, more like normal dinner wear but sexier, then yes. If not, no, change after dinner. Imo....
Ok.... Shot glasses bought and packed! See you all on the 28th if not before....
Think you will probably be away before we arrive....
And have a laugh? I was bored tonight, and did!!!! You have the ones never been before, never researched, therefore horrified! Lol.... The...
... coming from UK... with All my bikinis, day outfits, dinner outfits, theme outfits, room dressing for room crawl... Plus packing alcohol for...
Last time, we did have three or four days of unbearable sun, then 3 days of rain! I didn't mind, as I had had my Sun.....a break from the the...
Lol.... I was doing the same today! Finding outfits, picking outfits! My biggest decisions are for dress to impress and white night...
Swimwear packed, 1st theme night packed... just another 6 to go and everything else are fillers!!! lol...
Year End done today!!!! Just month end, wages and invoices to do before we go.... Hopefully, I will have the house picture perfect this weekend...
It's not a deal for us in the UK, as I can better here...
We arrive on 26th so you will only see us for a brief time unfortunately....
Definitely!!! I really struggle with some of Angus's outfits! Between knowing what he would be willing to wear and fitting with the theme!!! I...
OK.... with a not normal job... you guys all make me feel jealous!!! Officially, I am a stay at home Mum with three kids at school - nothing to...
Photographs, like at Temptation, while not said, are frowned upon, unless they only are of you and your partner or scenery shots... imo... While...
OK... but no offense... I Hate You!!! I still have 2.5 weeks of doing business paperwork... that no-one else other than me does, if I am on...
Mexican - dress in Mexican flag colours? Heaven or Hell - has to be a devil's costume in some form or other... Lingerie - my hubby had black mesh...
We have never had any pressure.... a polite no thanks was enough! Maybe it is the accent! Lol... I would suggest listening to the 90 minute...
Ok, we have five hosts now with bearhug as our fifth! Thank you bear hug!!!
Meet up is Tuesday 28th november 2pm at the sexy pool bar.... some of the hosts don't arrive until then....