We want to use our membership with SFX too but I have no idea How is there an online site I should know about?
Yes here is the Schedule with our Twist MONDAY---- BSDM (leather, Latex, whips and chains :P ) TUESDAY---- Burlesque ( Corsets, Corsets...
SO Excited for our upcoming trip to Desire RM 64 DAYS woohoo
haha Why am I not surprised that Donald Commented First HAHA just fell out of my chair Laughing
best if you book under a referral for prices you will have to sit thru the sales pitch but that is only a few hours of your trip go to the...
Just to update on this thread I spoke with our group that is coming from our area About 13 people and they are all on board with Switching it up...
Thank you For the info Much appreciated!!!! we are trying to find a place for really just 1 night because flights home are like Half the price...
Hey does anyone know what the name of the hotel next door to TTR? we are thinking of adding a day or two to our Desire stay in April but want to...
Maybe we change Tape night to super hero night :)
hey guys how are you both doing are you heading to Cancun this april? we are doing DRM april 8-16 hope to see you guys
Not really LOL depends on who you ask... some are good but some not so much just wanted other people who are going to be there at DRM in April to...
Hey everyone I have looked at the website but not sure how it works at Desire we have been to TTR in the past and have followed the CCC theme...
We booked DRM 4-8 thru 4-16 group of 6 maybe 8
Hotel: Desire RM Dates: April 8-16 Number in Group : 2 Boobs Cruise YES YES YES YES!!!!!
this resort looks nice I noticed they raised their prices for 2017? probably because they knew TTR was closing :(
there are 6 of us maybe 8 booked for DRM the same dates should be a fun time!
we are booked for 8/15 -8/22 so excited! Ready to meet New people and see some old friends! I like the red hot cherry poppers too!
Does anyone on here organize CCC theme nights like at TTR or are they just what is posted on the web for DRM ?
hey everyone we just made reservations for april 8-16 2017 group of 6 we are members of TTR and so excited to party at DRM who else will be...
so our group of 6 decided to just jump on and go with DRM we will be there april 8-16th hope to see more april addicts there!!