Blondie says..Yay *jumping up and down ,excited*
Blondie and I are booked for 2.
Run, thanks for the mention but I'm not remembering this event. If I was in it I could understand not remembering the details but to forget the...
Kevin, I knew you would pop up and run with this one. I think you should be the team's anchor. You got this!
Were trying but not like the guy with 3 trips in one year. Getting to Cancun from the west coast, especially more north, takes a bit of time and...
We have been really busy lately and not following our countdown. Holy crap it's coming up quickly! Only 31 days until we board out flight and 12...
Yeah, Greg is Rumplestiltskin, or however the hell you spell it.
Yeah it's a real bummer that Steve and Elyse aren't going to be there with us this year.
That's hysterical. Especially considering that last May Kristen and Scuba Steve fired up the Paty'Os grill at 4:00am and started flipping burgers....
Tom, you really need to rephrase your "got a small package" comment. Especially when talking about BCAD. LOL
I don't know but I'm sure glad they do!
Steve, I'll bet you can pick one up in June.
Looks like we amending our dates to the 6th and 11th.
Steve went through and cleaned house on these accounts a few months ago and he deleted thousands of them. Plus, he instituted measures to help...
Is that why I always have a bruise on my forehead?
Me too and thank god for the latter.
Wow! That's a plateful and then some. I'm glad to hear you have your mom closer to you. That has to be nice. I hope you get some much needed rest...
Hi guys, we are hoping to see you two this year as well. We are going to be there May 6th-14th. May 6 and 7 are totally sold out but there is...
My take on this situation is that, for us repeaters, it's kind of like Norm walking into Cheers. Everyone knows him, Sam is still the man in...