See ya guys soon!!! Can't wait for some TTR! <3
Hey guys! 4/8-4/16 here. This will be trip number 5 and we can't wait! Stop by and say hi if you see us!!! Jared and Jen
Hey guys! We will be at ttr 4/8-4/16! Stop by and say hi if you see us! Jared and Jen
Hey guys! We will be at TTR the same week! Trip number 5! Stop by and say hi if you see us! Jared and Jen
50 days! Wow, this snuck up on us this year! We are usually watching the countdown clock daily at 100 days out!
We will be there 4/8-4/16! This will be trip number 5 for us! Can't wait!!
That's great guys! Really looking forward to seeing you both! Don't worry, our game faces will be on as usual! I'm sure we will have several...
Hey Jess! What are your dates? We are 4/8-4/16.. Hope to see you again this year!
72 days!!! Just started the countdown! Boom!
No april trip this year guys!?!?
Trip #5 for us! 4/8-4/16.. Can't wait!!!
4/8-4/16.. This will be our 5th trip as April Addicts! Can't wait!
Just booked 4/8-4/16!!! Trip #5 on the way!
We are looking to book april again, however we can't get a straight answer on the construction rumors.. If it looks like the resort is going to be...
10 really long days!
No kidding!!! 23 long, long days!!
Yup... Just saw that... 30 day countdown!!!!!
I don't think we are going to do the boobs cruise this year... It was a little too rocky last year and with all the people it's hard to find...
Btw the way... Jared and Jen here!
Hey guys! Yeah we are 33 and 32, however you'll soon see everyone there is 21 at heart! This will be our 4th trip and we can't wait! Looking...