Ine thing I forgot to mention is that we barely saw any mosquitos or insects in general, which was crazy given the location and the fact that we...
That makes sense. Thanks Jenkyle
No we didn't Glenn we were having way too much fun at the resort to leave !
I tried posting this in the review board but it says I do t have enough posts. Anyone know how many I gotta have before I can post on that board?
Thanks it was 2305
Great review. I'm trying to put one in myself but the page says I don't have sufficient post count. How many do you need to start a review thread ?
First time couple who went from fen 27- March 5th Lobby and main indoor area-nice but not great. There were some parts of the hotel that...
It was really annoying seeing all the chairs with tshirts used to save them and then not seeing anyone use them all day. But just like someone...
I just came back today. In my experience it was about 50/50 over which costumes people wore except for the lingerie and white nights. As long as...
We are leaving tomorrow morning :( things have really amped up the last few days. You all will have a blast !
Yes jeffro20 more than enough space
Hahahaha we already are scubasteve ! Best vacation we've had :)
Feel free to check our albums . I've posted a few from our trip and will put s few more. What is Leanne and matts account on here?
We met Leanne and Matt last night ! They founds us at the patio party. Awesome couple and super friendly . Thanks for the introduction :)
Tops still on :) but some sexy lingerie has come out in public ;) I'll definitely keep an eye out for them and tell them you said hello!
I'll give a full review when we get back. But I just wanted to say that we are both having an amazing time and I can't picture myself going to a...
We are here and loving it!
I can't figure out how to post pics in this thread
Just a little update on yesterday while the wife gets ready. We had breakfast at the buffet. Wonderful selection of food and the omelettes were...
And I figured out was missing from my luggage. Our hairspray and my shaving cream. Guess that's the price you pay for being a brown guy with a...