An open mind, a good attitude, sunscreen lots of sunscreen and money for tips
He was never there when we went for the first time but from everyone we met over the years this was one of the things Chinos was adamant about....
We were in the nations Capital not that long ago for a Senators game. For the price of one ticket in Toronto we were both able to see the game and...
If we actually had snow I'd seriously think about it, but I know what would happen. She'd be there to greet me at the door with a "are you...
Funny thought the very same thing, I was wondering when this gem would float back to the top.
It's like the News of the World, you can't print it unless it's true. Come on you're not going to sit there and try and tell me Obama didn't have...
I didn't care that he was looking at the missus's rack I know that if you're going to lay there topless that's going to be one of the...
As I stated above I did walk in with shorts on and I did feel a little out of place I must say. But I really don't like the fact there are people...
Why do I get the feeling you were already into the alcohol when this drink was thought of. Cause it certainly sounds like someone was having a...
If anybody asks you can always say "I'm just getting my vitamins."
after checking go get changed and head to the sexy pool as always
Take a lime go around the rim of the glass and then dip the rim of the glass into celery salt. Mix the vodka with the Clamato juice, add a dash of...
Spoils a good time. Remember a couple of years ago they did allow the casual dress after the show we had stopped in after dinner and as this was...
I'm a little jealous of our friends on the eastern seaboard of the US for getting all that snow, bought a brand new snowblower and have been...
We've used USA Transfers from our first trip to TTR, the first couple of times just to the resort and the milk run shuttle back to the airport....
if it's the one I'm thinking of you run out in the backyard in just your underwear and make snow angels....where we are the snow hasn't lasted so...
Make sure you do that early though cause the party atmosphere will have you forget that pretty soon
That sounds like a hurt waiting to happen LOL
Best damn tasting beach algae I've ever had. Can't wait to grab a tall glass of the green shit that and the fish tacos from Margherita's...
Please don't take this the wrong way but I'm sure the missus will be glad we're not there at the same time as you folks. On our first trip to TTR...