Yes friend Eme on Facebook and Eliso Too my cunado,they all are on Facebook.
No 2 wks you can do it
That's why I never change mine, plus I never change but I did notice I am starting to get a few strands of gray.
John and Colleen are going to try the 2 wks for the first time, I believe hehehe
Well flight bought and room booked the 6th-21
Remember you can always change it, or go for the gold 2 wks, 10 days is at the peak of the hill, its all down hill from there start trip at May 13th.
Waiting at the airport, wish I had a direct flight.
Work day almost done and the 3am trip to the airport to my second home
bigger boat LOL
those are custom more expensive and everybody I believe know that's a rule with kilts
I found a place in England that has kilts that are fair price, don't have the site now cause i'm in a bar and buzzed but when I get home I can...
It depends on my mood Quiet Riot "Come feel the noise",some George thorogood "One burbon scotch beer",Steve Earle "Copperhead road", so many songs...
I can't decide if I should start on the 6th or start on the 13th for my 2 wks, what to do, and my manager already said she won't give me more than...
Just realized I leave next fri i need to start packing that snuck up on me quick, now rush rush rush.
Don't mention broken after what happened in may.
Ok need 75 for the big....bigger boat
When ever it rains it usually so hot it is refreshing an I keep dancing don't worry about it.
Oh he changed it
Steve put on FB going to England on the 8th so it should be today I assume? Anybody got his number?
Steve, Jannet or Trina are not online, I looked up cancun time and is 1 hr behind EST