Ok, I added Kilts to the 26th, our first night there, I hope we make it to dinner and paddyo's. We have both had turns falling victim to the...
Thanks for pointing this out, people there these dates, would you like anything changed on the theme night list to match up to the decades party?
Do you have a kilt for schoolgirl night?
There is also a roll call thread for the last week in January....
Are you part of the large group coming down? Here is the link to our theme nights, if your group would like to add some input do it there....
30th is same as resort. Leather 31st is white dress shirt Are they not showing up on the first post in this thread? I have edited it dozens...
Deposits paid.
1-26 til 2-2 BoobsCruise 29th! ~Bobby
So, is the 13th no longer dress like a country? I think I have everything else correct.
ok, I'm back, i will try to lock all of these in the next few days. I'm trying to stick to what the majority wants, as you can see there is a...
What about making leather night the white dress shirt night, then anything but clothes (abc) night paint and/or pastie night?
2 for the 29th !
I also prefer to keep Red night 27th and White night 29th as they are, no need to add a CCC theme on those nights. What do others there that week...
I don't think we have been for a dress shirt night. Is it supposed to be white or any kind, and I assume it's not completely buttoned? Will...
If you get a chance check out the January theme night thread so we can fill up the CCC theme nights! Thanks! And be on the look out for the...
We will be more than ready to leave the cold at the end of January! Like Ozarks said, hit the Boobscruise if you can
Can anyone explain why it is that price per night for 10 nights, but if you take a night off or add a night it goes to £132?
Anything But Clothes
Does anyone know if paint night would be allowed in Paddy-Os? Would the nips need to be covered by pasties?