kmontoya aug 29th thru sept. 7th counting days!
summer for me is a good motivator! less clothes, less ways to hide the stuff!! youll get there Monique. from some photos I saw you looked pretty...
it will move again trish. those scales suck!!!! haven't stod on one in a while. I wont either. On the other hand, I found a waist! yep a...
wear what you are comfortable in. That's why people enjoy this place so much. you can be you! ive seen whole piece suits to strings attatched to...
I have always unpacked. not last time, what a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for sure this time! I like the 5000 block for the extra drawer space. it only...
have a great time!!! waiting patiently for our trip! ha ha not!
The decision is a hard one, I get that. If it was me, I would get the surgery. If you can prevent more deterioration of the leg, and get and stay...
I think I read sam and robins wedding? haven't met them yet. from reading post they sound like fun people. will be good to see old and new...
we are going aug. 29th thru sept. 7th getting pretty excited! just need to lose the 10 or 15lbs. I will!
wow that's just plain sad! in these times. my friend of 45 years, her husband is my husbands coulsin. two so different people. she cant come over...
ha ha yes American English is very flawed!! just from one state to another words are said completely different. but that is the fun of life!...
I just wish I dared!!!!!!!! love it. you look great!! one day maybe!
well ive lost 5 lbs. not a lot but its going. I have until sept. to lose at least 10 more. fingers crossed! have to behave. shit wont fall off...
glad you had a great time!!!!!!!! have met some singles in the trips we have been, they have all been really nice guys. hope to see you one day...
ok so I go to ttr for the fun times. I don't have anything really sexy as im scared to wear it! but the ladies I have seen in body paint, tape,...
ive only have the revenge a couple of times. weve been about 9 times now. stay hydrated! I eat yogart every day when there. I drink the water in...
yep serviced by delta. yep, all I know is one more, and we cancel and rebook through a diff. airline! crazy!
just a quick rant! we booked a trip in sept. 2015 for 8 nights. fly out 29th aug. thru sept. 6th. well both were straight thru flights on aero...
You guys will have a blast! Went with some girl friends about 4 years ago. Was a great time. security, and bartenders really watch out for ya!...
im with trish on that one! if you get bit at home youll get bit there. and yes it took two years for my bite marks to fade! bug spray with det!...