We are going on a referral this time and are very excited... What perks should we expect that we wouldn't receive if we went without the referral?...
Can't wait!!! We will see ya at the sexy pool... We will have the shots ready for ya!!!! :wink3:
We are going to be there July 17-24... Hope to see y'all there!!!
90 Days and Counting!!!! So ready for fun in the sun!!!:3some: :lotsofmichaelfs::birthday:
Agreed!!! Us girls can be as slutty as we want to be!!! lol As long as we are having fun thats all what matters... just saying.... :flash:
[IMG] Can't wait!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We are counting on it!!!!! :flash:
Well its official!!!!!!! 94 days and counting!!!! Can't wait to get to the sexy pool.... who's buying the first round? LOL
Sixth...... Seventh>>>> plus that's the wifes birthday... so lets do it for sure!!!lol
Darn, missed you by a week, yall look like a fun couple! Have fun!!
Can't wait!!!
We are booked July 17-23... Hope to see y'all there... We will be living it up at the sexy pool!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We will be there July 17-23... Hope to see y'all soon:partytime:
Super excited!!! Look forward to seeing y'all there too!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Right!! Wth!! lol Have y'all been before?
All Booked!! See y'all July17-23!! Can't wait to have a sexy good time!!!!
Fun in the sun! BOOKED!!! See y'all July 17-23!!!
July can't come soon enough... lol
Thanks, looking forward to meeting yall and having a sexy good time!!!
Who is going in July 2015?