Vodka.... we don't use stinking vodka
Hey we remember you guys from 2 years ago...we will be there the 9_19
Make it yourself much better than you can get in the store
I would love to help but due to the conflicting stories I don't feel right.
Believe me if we could we would
Waiting patiently for our trip 7 months from now
This stuff is really good if you have sensitive skin where sun screen breaks you out
You the best thanks
Can anyone tell me the name of the sunscreen they sell at the resort. Im talking about the special stuff that is good for your skin that they...
How much was your airfare
That sounds like it could be sexy but it is awful hot there and might be more of a bother
I'm about to ask my kids when they get off the bus
OK I stared for about 5 minutes and it is still blue and black.
I see it as blue and black. The wife says I'm crazy or lying and sees white and gold.
This really is not a trick question. Some will see black and blue others will see white and gold. What do you se
What two colors is this dress. Please answer. you will be surprised that many see it different ways [IMG]
Are there any in the "quiet" rooms. No way I want near Paty'Os
I just read in another thread that there are rooms with double shower. Are they in a specific block or random. Anyone have pictures of the shower
I wouldn't mind a new nickname too. Is mid w edgies the best we can do