With or Without U
Bobs cutting his hair, im making it into a wig. and April and I are gonna be wearing some bad ass watches. ha. Love U2 also
April and I are dressing up as You and your Hot wife..Winning the competition easily!
April loves the massage booth with the big yellow sign that says Massage. its the second one down the beach. She did it 3 times this last vacation...
10 minutes tops
No stirring up anything. Look around next time you are at TTR, theres security cameras everywhere just like at all resorts and major cities....
yep they do. I use it every night
u bringing any fireball this Feb trip?
been many times. never had a problem with the A/C. always nice and cold
February is perfect for us. April wears some of the smallest dresses and bikini bottoms known to man kind and never has had a problem with being...
did you get on a bus, go there just to take pics? if so..Classic!
First couple of trips we said Riu. then our friends started joining us so the cat was out of the bag
shes added a few to the arsenal too. see ya soon!
wait what days are you there? we get in the 24th?
damn we're gonna miss you 2 this trip!
Summers here in the midwest are perfect and we spend a lot of time on the lake so leaving to go to a sweltering hot destination makes zero sense...
20 year olds arent allowed at TTR
Hey Guys! just wanted to add the last ferry going back to El Embarcadero (closest to TTR) is at 5:15, but if you want to stay longer you can...
There's plenty of fresh sliced pineapple at the Buffet
I did it years ago. Had my son with me so it was a lot of fun for him. Good food also. Seems to be pretty pricey nowadays