Is it July yet Getting so excited for our trip, is it July 23rd yet?
It's not that bad. Granted, we are from Texas, so nothing is that bad :). I've been 3 times in July and once in June, and I stayed in the pool...
If you like Fireball, you'll LOVE..... CINERATOR... It's fireball on steroids. Instead of 66.7 proof, its 91.5 proof. Great as a shot,...
5th and 1st Trip This will be my (Mr.) fifth trip, and the her 1st trip to TTR. We are getting in late on the 23rd and leave late on Aug 1st....
Please keep this post going I am planning my fifth trip in July (first with my new beautiful bride). If the staff is no fun and they are not...
Sad news.. We need to be taken off the roll call. Having to cancel this year. Maybe later in the year or next summer. Rock On August crew!!!
Texas is going to be representing in early August. It might be hot in Cancun in august, but it is cool compared to Texas... Just over 2 months to...
Drunken Monkeys are great, but filling. Vanilla Vodka and diet coke, light and drinkable all day. Wet Pussies, and scoobie doos are great...
Aug 3 - 14th.. 5th trip... This is going to be great!!
Come on Early August folks, we need to ensure we can get a boobs cruise together... The 4th thru the 13th... lets find a date that works for...
For Aug. 13th.. we need either Naughty School Girl, or Sheer night. It's my birthday and I could be such a bad boy with either of those. :)....
Where are all my early August folks? Come on people.. we are at 80 days and counting. I'm thinking we need a Naughty Schoolgirl night on the...
We will try to save you some alcohol but since I will get there on the 3rd, there is no promise. I will try to only drink all of the vanilla...
Welcome Back Chinos!! Hope to see you in August. Somewhere between 4th and 13th
Got my Vote!!!! Rock on..
mmmm....mmmm.. gonna be a fun trip!!!!!!
Trip #5 is Aug 3 - 14th. 11 nights of non-stop partying... Can't Wait :clappyinghappy::daveandmo::lotsofmichaelfs:
Naked Tequila volleyball... It used to be that you had to be naked to play, now they start as regular tequila volleyball ( you get a mouthful of...
Early August is starting to look pretty good. About time to start the August roll call...
We will warm up the place for you guys a bit. We are there from 3rd - 14th. It's gonna be a blast.