Bump er back up....
Oh karen...u will learn soon that I can be very influential...its never too early to start...monique can chime in
LT...u suck...tell jenn we are goin in april....yall gotta make it...
I know its early...but does anyone have any original ideas for theme nights??
Thanks for the friend request
We go every thanksgiving...and know alot of sth
All I can think of is that rodney carrington song..dear pwnis. I dont think I like u anymore
Hey alexis...do u remember the drinks I was hitting last year? U tried it with me...its called a kaiparina...amazingly good...
No. We know them...thanks for looking though
We are in uvalde..I wish we did
We are trying to find some people we met on a trip where he was from del rio but moved to san antonio with his chica. Hispanic couple..really...
The company of a warm woman helps with the shrinkage phenomenom
I will recommend not leaving said camera out for ur friends to take over 200 pictures of odd and hilarious items for the next 2 days...lets just...
Hey..houston is still close....how are yall doin
Dude...we are so there...let us know when and we will book..I have already told woody....miss u guys..watch out april addicts....we are coming...
We were judt discussing this the other day....take a look at the pool when everyone gets out of it....u can see tan oil and yellow coloring...
Absolutly....yall are in sa right? All of a sudden I am finding and other texans are finding me....its awesome...
We were mid 20's when we went the first time....there is always gonna be people there your age...dont go looking for people...they will find u....
There is also a foam party at senior frogs on saturday nights...that is awesome also...
But to be honest...depending on when u go...there may be alot of single guys there...be ye warned about some of em....most are awesome, but there...