im all for confidence. and yes a person has to be happy with themselves. but just knowing that youve worked hard feel healthier and seeing the...
thats great!! eat healthy, and it will heal. hope its just a sprain, and not more serious.
well we both go to the gym. phillip alot more dedicated than myself. diet usually is very good. but when winter hits have to make sure that the...
its very frustrating when and injury causes a stop in the excercising. be patient, it will get better.
well here goes another week for the gym. wednesday i get my foot worked on. so no gym for a couple of days at least. have to push it time is...
well two weeks back at the gym. 3-4 times a week. def. see and feel and improvment. slow but what the hey! now need to step it up another...
thats a bummer!!! take care of it! you dont want to cause more damage. just pay attention even more to what you are eating until you heal.
ha ha ha!! is the wife rolling her eyes again? addmit it you love driving her crazy dont ya!!! men, well we know we cant live without ya so,...
i bought a cute little red no. for red night. hopeing it fits good. still need another one as i will be there for two. have my eye on one.
ouch!!! wow tummy is sore! 3 days straight at the gym working the tummy. well keep this up maybe a 4 pack by oct. heres to some muscle def....
wow! and i thought my day was rough! it will get better, do sit ups untill you cant do any more that should help! just kidding, cheer up...
ok another day at the gym down!! yay! i sure can tell ive been slacking! one leg is stronger than another, and boy is the tummy out of shape!!...
hangover food!! for some reason nachos always seem good!! but need to change that one up!! or better yet i will drink more water so as not to...
holy moly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great times ahead! lots of people booked.
well i have just 2 months to lose 10 lbs. doable, so heres at it. i havent been too bad this summer, ect for beers on the weekend. but am going...
if bugs like to bite you, take it!!!!!!!!!!!!! got the crap bite out of me, there in april, was kinda oozy the next day! so safe, not sorry!!
wow sorry tohear that. i know for an extrended time its not good for you, so im hoping i wont have to do it for too long. but at the moment i cant...
monique, have you been to your obgyn. i still firmly believe in the vivele dot patch mine gave me. if i dont use it i feel like crap! gain...
we are in the halloween thread already but, our dates are oct. 19th - nov. 2nd so will be there when alot of yu guys are there too! this is going...
aww thats ok. there are alot of things to eat that wont wreck your diet! stay focused, you are doing really well!! taking my own advice. back...