best way to get revved up for A trip and remember what you wanted to do that you didnt get to
41 days to go ok your turn carriejean
I go with the cheepest it dount matter with day you check In as long as your there you will have A good time
lucky lucky we have 46 more day to go have fun
well we get there on the 12th so save A drink for me :beer4:
just being any where at ttr is my favorite l:ernaehrung015:
47 days to go its coming fast :ernaehrung015:
that would be fun april was great cant wait
finalyn remembered but better late then never good luck chino hope to see ya sept 12th threw 22nd will be there :clappyinghappy:
well mabee you should stay till saturday then
ya you snuck in early but thats ok 54 days to go :clappyinghappy:
we land At 1:40 pm hope to be at the pool by 3:00
well I will have my orange boobs cruise band on so come say Hi and lets :lotsofmichaelfs:sept 12th to 22nd
K montoya Is A head custodian of A elementry I am A lead plumber for graniteschool dist
thats what time we get there mabee will see ya at the air port 67 more days
Im with ya on that been 4 times no problem cant wait to go back
I dont think any body acks there age at ttr thats the fun of It :huepfen021:
60 day getting closer :huepfen021:
63 days to go
yes It Is dont think I could wait that long