It's easier to ask for forgiveness then permission. And everybody loves a good show, lol.
Shy, please remind us who's idea it was to go skinny dipping in the ocean last year, lol. Good times, and this year will be even better, can't...
You just make sure you are at the sexy pool on the 21st, we will definitely come find you.
We have already planned according to the original theme night listing that was locked in. We arrive on the 10th so had planned for the little...
Definitely the 21st Who are kidding we will definitely be there on the 21st. We can't let you go on a boobs cruise without us. :daveandmo:
Definitely the 14th Definitely count us in for the 14th. Possibly the 21st also!! :flash:
Vic & Brandy here. We look forward to meeting the two of you. We will be at TTR June 10th-23rd.
June 12th works for us, and a Boob Cruise won't be the same without you and Tracy
We got our bracelets today. Thank you Patrick & Sarah
We got the bracelets today. Thank you
Welcome to the party, you will have a great time and definitely want to come back every year.
Vic & Brandy here, welcome to the party. We look forward to meeting you two. We will be at TTR June 10th-23rd for our second trip.
Joe you remember the drinks/shots on Brandy for her B-day last year
You are coming in on Brandy's birthday, so we will definitely already have the party started. Your first drinks on Brandy (literally) at the sexy...
We will be there at least a few days with you two, I think last year we just missed you
Boob Cruise Boobs Cruise anytime 11th-22nd, works for us
About the 16th, we just didn't know how everyone felt about having white two days in a row, but you explained the differences perfectly. We...
Just a few suggestions that could possibly satisfy everyone. June 8th - White Night - This is already a resort theme and we should keep with...
June 20th, My B-day, I would love to have a "wear your birthday suit day/night", but I don't believe Temptations would like that to much with...
Two for us please!!