nah he just hast facebook chat on his berry lol
alicia, i think only tori and me met you hahahaha and yeah you like to eat lol
please do!!!!!!!!!!1
im sure they have both but i would go with european plan, no doubt
not like someone i know on the Official CC party lol :huh:
Thank God! Maybe its only because i had a great time the only day i went to Krystal, but i just thought it was awesome! the thirty-something...
lol i didnt mean it in a bad way, you just looked a bit like this: :drunk: hahahahaha and yeah there will be a spare room :) cant wait to see...
carrie!!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooo greta!!! wooooooooooo we will have such a good time!
hopefully hahahahaha kellz = :ernaehrung005:
OK enough, this is totally ridiculous... Scorpio all we said is that you didnt have to throw your negativity in a happy post, no need to get...
i know it sounds ridiculous but CWS is kinda killing me too... im telling you, living here is not as cool as everyone thinks, specially when your...
hey Dave! Welcome to the boards!!!! as far as money to use i would say bring US dollars and exchange some for Pesos Tours and sites, there is a...
do you know if they hire for part time? sister really needs a second job
yay! im so excited girl!!!!! 10 days! you are almost in single digits now!!! yaaaaaaaay!
Scorpio... wow hahahaha Cant wait till you get here Nic!
Scorpio, whats with the negativity? really! lol You can always crash at my place nico, and you know it :) love ya hun
I can pull that up too Wu! :)
he sure is getting a 2br, we are living together! lol
yeah revamping wouldnt be a bad idea alicia, my fav are the city, sweet (just because my friend works there), terrasta and mandala...