I agree with that! I never get the combos because they're so expensive. At McDonald's I always order 3 cheeseburgers, and they'll always look at...
V - I can't say 100%, but I really doubt it. Each company has different SMS chips that only work in their cell phones. When I switched to...
This kind of BS is why I switched over to Movistar a few years ago :) Thanks for the heads up, and I hope everything gets fixed, TJ!
I haven't seen a beach that big in this area since Wilma :) Might be time to head down to Maroma Beach.
4.5% interest? HAHAHAHA
It's near Sushi Ken's and Harmon Hall, right on Avenida Kohunlich. (behind the California buildings, if that helps) In other words, close to the...
Glad everyone's ok! **Edit: Sorry, just saw it was a whale shark. Well that's kinda cool, then :) But... isn't it WAY off-season for them?
I haven't been there myself, but 2 of my best friends go there every week and rave about it.
Hey everyone! I found this article on BBC News today, giving some general Q&A about the drug war here in Mexico. It has some very interesting...
V - 8 minutes??? What's your secret?
A small part of me really hopes Esteban goes into INM today before 5 pm asking for his FM3. "No sé quien es este tal mat Kirk, pero ahora puedo...
I think in Cancun there may just be TOO MANY restaurants, especially considering all the AI. A bit more market research and a reality check would...
I'm never going in there without a lawyer again! The company I work for has a lawyer to take care of immigration tramites. Last Friday I gave her...
Listo :)
I'll go second... I came to Cancun when I was 19 to study Tourism Administration at La Salle University. I was on a student FM3 for 4 years, and...
My favorite comment is "In Cancun, you're more likely to get a mordida from a transito than from a shark" :)
No way!! Crazy!
I also haven't seen ANY jitomate at Walmart gran Plaza on my last 2 visits (2 weeks ago and 4 weeks ago) What's going on?
Thanks everyone! You learn something new every day, right? In that case, I'll disagree with Mat... I think it's a beautiful plaza (Jorge and I...