If you have a passport, no need to take a birth certificate. $20 in tipping goes a long way for tipping and they especially love the $2 bills....
Congratulations!!! :cheerleaders:
Re: Test the Ticker Yes, right click in the html box and select all...then right click and hit copy. Now go into your profile and paste it...
Re: Test the Ticker Are you using the html code?? Use the html code and paste it in the "signature" section of your profile.
Test the Ticker Just seein' if it worked for me! :flash:
It was good to see everyone!!! I had a freakin' blast!!! I'm sorry I didn't get my pics to Rob but I don't have that many as we all know my...
Oh yeah, BTW, Kelly...HOT pic!!!!
Timmie, If you stop smoking, you could put all of that money in a fund for you and Shannon to join this fabulous party excursion!! You know you...
Tmac, can you get a head start this weekend?? LMAO!!
Believe me, the pleasure is ours! We all love meeting new people!! Can't wait!!
Well, I think that is a conversation for you and I to have privately. LOL!!!
I was wondering if we were gonna participate in the lingerie party that night...now I need to be shopping for something to wear! :-o
Rob, What's the plan for that first night? Are there any? I know we have the booze cruise that next morning...??
Yes depart DFW 9 am and depart CUN at 1:05 pm on the 5th. First class here we come!!!! :beergone:
Rob, now the Christmas has come and gone, how are we on finding airfare to Cancun?? Just trying to start getting all my ducks at least in the...
I can't wait to see it!! And I don't know what you are talking about, I'm just always so plain jane!! LOL!! :huh:
Where the hell do you come up with this $hit?? I've never even heard of those kinds of togas...but that's why you're our personal fashionisto,...
Well, Rob, you've seen pics from the LAST Toga party...I think I was the only one in true toga fashion that evening. tee hee tee hee I'm...
I can remember a time when BOTH of you girls were a little on the shy side where taking tops off is concerned!! LMFAO!! Happy Holidays to...
Thank you Fun Johnny!! Sorry to hear that you won't be at the NYE Bash!!! But will see you soon enough! I think we need to plan a trip your...