Toys Absolutely, you can make a donation through Paypal. Please go to our website,, and you will see where you can...
Last year, with the help of MY PLACE, we started the Give A Toy Get A Smile drive. We target underprivledged and sick children in the Cancun area...
The International Women's Club of Cancun :D is a non-profit organization here in Cancun that does fund-raising for organizations in need. On...
Bring a toy for a poor or sick child for our Give A Toy Get A Smile Drive. Our Drop off sites are Hard Rock Cafe in the Hotel Zone and Needful...
:D Give A Toy...Get A Smile :D You can help us by just bringing one small toy in your suitcase when you come down to visit Cancun. The smallest...
Fa-La-La-La- La-La-La-Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! CHRISTMAS is COMING!!!...
I was at the Hard Rock Cafe today at Plaza Forum and was SOOO happy to see the Give A Tiy Get A Smile Banner placed above the entrance. Inside are...
Thanks, Trigger! We have a lot of kids we want to make smile! Just one toy in every suitcase could give us hundreds of toys for Christmas! GET THE...
Thank you Ruben...I will need to get the ages of their children so we can give them some nice things for Christmas. This Christmas will be...
Thanks Joyce! By the way, Happy (upcoming) Birthday! Enjoy it!
Boy, Kelly, this was a heart-wrenching story that sounds like it has a happy ending. I could never imagine someone dragging my dog off by it's...
I am so happy to announce that the Hard Rock Cafe will now be a drop-off site for toys for Christmas for the children in Cancun. Señor Xavier...
Give A Toy Get A Smile! Hey everyone...Happy to report that all is well in Cancun. We had some wind, some rain, but nothing compared to the wrath...
Give a Toy Get A Smile Unfortunately, tonight is the last night at MY PLACE....Joe and Janet did not have any reason to stay open and prolong the...
THAT'S GREAT! I can't wait to get back to Cancun to organize some activities with the TIGERS! They are GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR-EAT! Thanks for...
Restaurants Our favorites...These are the places we always take our visitors to Cancun to. Rio Churrascarria...excellent Brazilian Bar-B-Q....