Hi- Lovely to meet you at TTR New Years 2014/15. Hope to catch up at the resort at some time in the future- Melissa and Brian (UK)
You two were great! Please let us know when ya'll are headed back to TTR or if ya'll want to come visit Texas!
Yep! This will be our 3rd xmas/new years at TTR! They put on a pretty good show with some sexy dancers and then just blast the music all night. They're not so great on coordinating the countdown ha. People get really dressed up, but I'm not 100% on the actual resort theme yet (although these forums are saying "Fancy Temptation"). Last year it was purple. Actually our profile picture is from last NYE. If you've got a good attitude and are with the right people, it's always a good time!
We just rtnd from Negril...so it looks like TTR this May. Think about posting an album... check out our multipage albums for ideas... we like pic comments if you like any in particular