Last Activity:
Mar 15, 2017
Jan 23, 2014
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South East US


Regular, from South East US

Registered Member

Heading South in July Mar 13, 2017

HotAUfans was last seen:
Mar 15, 2017
    1. DandH
      We will definitely look for you guys. Our pictures are pretty recent so if you guys see us first just say hi. We will probably try and put up a few more pics before we go so people can identify us better.
    2. carcrz
      It's NOT soon enough at all. Looking forward to the trip for sure. Friend Request accepted.
    3. DandH
      I know, the trip is going to be here before we know it!!! We can't wait, we are so ready!!! We get in on the 21st, I think our plane lands around noon. How about you guys?
    4. vanislcpl
      Duties call, we have a large bridge installation nearing completion and I don't need no fuck ups before we leave for cancun.
    5. Todd and Dawn
      Todd and Dawn
      I wish or weather would cooperate I'm sick of jeans and sweatshirts I wanna but a bathing suit on so bad. I need to mi he somewhere warmer. Plus this trip has to come so I can stop spending money buying more outfits lol.
    6. vanislcpl
      Fern is also done I hope. I have had a change in plans. I will be staying up north until we leave for cancun. I will be working right up until the day we leave. Going to be a long first half of may
    7. carcrz
      We get there around 12 on the 24th.
    8. HolaLola
      SUN SUN SUN I am so ready to be out from under this dark cloudy sky!!!
    9. Todd and Dawn
      Todd and Dawn
      I absolutely agree
    10. Todd and Dawn
      Todd and Dawn
      So excited I tried everything on today and packed. I'm ready to go. Todd has a shirt ready. He waits til the last minute. Being a newbie I hope i packed the right stuff!
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