Last Activity:
Jun 2, 2014
Apr 10, 2013
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Ottawa, Canada
Federal Government


Regular, from Ottawa, Canada

Registered Member
RossDan was last seen:
Jun 2, 2014
    1. Jenni-Lou
      Aaaahhhhh, the sexy pool! Can't wait!!!!! I think we're just about done shopping, and will probably start to pack after Jen's family leaves the 26th. We don't want any questions about what's going in the suitcase... lol
    2. Joesmiles
      Hi, newbies here .. Looking forward to meeting everyone and making friends ..
    3. Robin&Steve
      We still plan on being at the pool after the cruise on Friday. Depending on how silly we get anyways. We will be hoping for the Jan. 2 cruise as well
    4. Robin&Steve
      We will be on our boobs cruise on the 27th so we might need you to save us a spot I'm sure by that time we will be in very interesting shape lol
    5. JeffandNadine
      Hi RossDan... look for Nadine and I by the pool! we arrive the 26th!
    6. Bob&Brenda
      Hope to see you by the sexy pool Bob & Brenda
    7. Jenni-Lou
      Hello Dan and Irene :)
      We'll arrive on the 28th and head back to the cold on Jan 4th.
      We're looking forward to our first time at TTR and meeting you two!

      Jennifer and Louis
    8. phantomeve2981
      We are getting close!!! Hey, what do you think of sexy white shirt night on 12/30? We can still do glow sticks but this theme is always fun especially wearing your hubby's dress shirt and sexy heels! Let me know =) Look forward to meeting you guys?
    9. kscple
      we are coming 26th - 31st. will be looking for ya.
    10. toesinwaterassinsand
      we are there 26-2 and I think we are going on the 27th boobs cruise. I posted some theme ideas to go with other ones posted already under the Nye thread. let me know what you think? I just want to get packing a month away wowzers!
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