Last Activity:
Aug 15, 2024
Feb 23, 2012
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Vancouver BC


Guru, Male, from Vancouver BC

Registered Member

Hope to be back soon Aug 18, 2022

BnK was last seen:
Aug 15, 2024
    1. SandyT
      I'm just back from Cuba today...I'm ready for a TTR fix now !! Hopefully see you in the fall !!
    2. glenn/monique
      August20th-sept 9 for my birthday.
    3. Jen&Kyle
      We are considering a ttr / desire combo in the fall. Which desire did u go to and how was it?

      Edit: Actually. I remember you responding with detail on the gogoblanco post and I think you covered it.

      We plan to be back next April/may so maybe we will see u then.
    4. Ali & Andrew
      Ali & Andrew
      We just booked for Sept. 28 - Oct. 5 on not bad price. Good luck with your booking.
    5. Mommabear
      Was great meeting you two in April. Sounds like the stay at Desire worked out well for ya. Glad to hear!!!! Carol
    6. hal&stac
      Hey Brian and Kathrine, great to meet you all! We hope to see you all again as well!
    7. Pat & Michelle
      Pat & Michelle
      Oh that's right, we had to help an elderly gentle man get back in the boat. He jumped into go snorkel and the water was to rough for him and he couldn't get himself back in the boat. So four of us had to pull him back on board.
    8. Pat & Michelle
      Pat & Michelle
      It was great meeting you guys as well. As far as I can remember I don't think I had to be rescued out of the water. Michelle said she didn't remember anything either so I'm not sure what to tell you about that. Hopefully our paths will cross again at TTR.
    9. Karen and Rob
      Karen and Rob
      Thanks for the friend request! I am sorry we missed you our last night! (I got sick after dinner and couldn't recover enough to go out, despite my best effort!) :(
      We enjoyed meeting you both! Did you make it to the other resort your last few days?
    10. Joel & Paula
      Joel & Paula
      Love the new picture :)
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