Kevin & Jennifer
Last Activity:
Mar 24, 2016
Feb 21, 2013
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Kevin & Jennifer


Registered Member
Kevin & Jennifer was last seen:
Mar 24, 2016
    1. dktelectric
      We'll see you guys when you arrive, we leave tomorrow morning ;)

      By the sexy pool! Danny & Kitty, 17-24.
    2. midwestern
      Hey you guys can ask US anything you want, truthfully the first time we went we never new about cancuncare, we just went, probably pretty nieve also. We kinda just hung back and took it all in. We were nervous about swingers we read about on tripadvisor, none of that was even an issue, each his own but never been our thing. Just fire away and ask anything you like, then you will hopefully feel more comfortable and can go enjoy your first trip of many. Kevin and tamie
    3. about time
      about time
      We arrive on the 6th also first time here. Maybe we will all find the pool LOL
    4. midwestern
      You guys will have great time, look US up on the 7th when we arrive, it will be your best vacation ever, this place is a blast !!! We felt just like you guys before our first trip, now we our fifth trip in two years !! Kevin and Tamie
    5. BnK
      Hi you two,

      Welcome. Hey we were in your shoes this time last year and just so you know we ended up having a bunch of fun and met lots of great people. Best time ever to be honest.

      Think we will miss you by just a few days but hope to hear you had a great time.

      Cheers !
    6. W8ing4thesunND
      We arrive on the 6th also! No need to be nervous, feel free to ask us anything!
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