Thanks for the friend request! Excited for our first taste of Temptations! Hope to have a few drinks with yall
Okay, one last chance to gloat - - 1 day and counting - - or should I say - - 18 hours till take-off - - that's right HOURS!! Unfortunately you will have the last laugh as we mourn our completed vacation and you are just leaving for yours. We'll try and leave the place standing for you. Have fun!!
OK, down to 8 days now! Got the beads, glow sticks, bathing suits, and lingerie bought. Ordered a new liver for when we get back. Good to gooooooo
Jason & Tia, not to rub it in or anything, but only 20 days untill TTR for us!! Okay, that was rubbing it in. lol
Is it time yet??? LOL We are going early now....Will have a drink waiting for you guys by the pool!!!lol