Last Activity:
Oct 3, 2022
Oct 14, 2014
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near Baltimore, MD


Regular, from near Baltimore, MD

Registered Member

Headed to TTR for May 10 -14 after a brief 2 days at Azul Sensatori. May 8, 2018

JamieNWife was last seen:
Oct 3, 2022
    1. Deleted member 45497
      Deleted member 45497
      Hey Sexy's. Were staying right next door to TTR. We'll be on the Boobs Cruise on Friday the 1st of November and at TTR on Sat. Nov. 2nd for Foam Party and night time fun ! Let us know if you'd like to meet anytime from the 29th on. We 'd love to meet for drinks and get to know the both of you! IF you'd like you can contact us directly at indyancple@hotmail.com.
      1. JamieNWife
        We will be at TTR from the 29th till 3rd. We will see you in the pool when you get in. We usually hang at the shaded end of the pool. Jim & Tsbitha.
        Oct 20, 2019
    2. Jcord2121
      Hey there. Saw you liked my post. Hit me up ok KIK if you got it, so we can stay in contact and meet up at TTR if yall want. Im Jcord2121 on KIK, and Jcord4141 on SLS if you are on SLS. No worries if you're not though. ;-)
      1. JamieNWife
        Cool. Maybe we will meet up at some point.
        May 25, 2019
    3. JamieNWife
      Headed to TTR for May 10 -14 after a brief 2 days at Azul Sensatori.
    4. HoustonGT
      took your advice and signed up for the BC on the 11th. How crazy does it get?
      1. JamieNWife
        It all depends on the people. Some get more crazy than others but it is all in good fun. You will most likely laugh your ass off the whole time. I say if something is not for you, look away. No one is forced to do anything. Happy to talk about before on the 10th in the pool and hang on the boat together. On the 11th it sounds like it will be over 1/2 of the boat are first timers.
        May 4, 2018
    5. JamieNWife
      Just returned from Dallas Boobs Cruise on Tour. Great time! Hope to see lots of you at TTR for Halloween!
    6. finallyfree24769
      when will you be at el dorado SSS? E WILL BE AT hbr march 6-13 2017
      1. JamieNWife
        Sorry, didn't see this. We will be there in Oct. with 2 other couples before heading to TTR for Hotties N Hellraisers over Halloween.
        Feb 21, 2017
    7. finallyfree24769
      Yeah sometimes they have live bands at night sometimes DJ.. some people go nude not many for dinner.. some goto the other resorts for dinner.. I usually wear a shirt and my wife wears a sexy coverup or something
    8. finallyfree24769
      Yes we LOVE it at HBR.. lets chat more.. We are going back hoe March 6-13 and Oct 22-29 2017..
      1. JamieNWife
        Are you still going in Oct.? We will be at Seaside with 2 other couples. May all get a day pass or night pass and check out HB.
        May 18, 2017
    9. finallyfree24769
      Yes we are exotic members also and we LOVE to goto HBR.. we are going March 2017 and Oct 2017 if you wanna join us. lets chat more!!!
    10. finallyfree24769
      have you guys been to HBR hidden beach resort in mexico
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