Trip Report 8/13 - 8/20

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by BamaCPL, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. BamaCPL

    BamaCPL Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    +97 / 1
    I've waited a couples days after returning to post this to make sure my feelings are still the same and they are.

    I'll start of by saying the only negative thing I have to say about customer service was the front desk. Unorganized/rude are the nicest words i can come up with. There were 3 couples and 1 "party group" in front of us and it took 1:15 minutes to check in. Bartenders, wait staff, playmakers were awesome as usual!

    2.About the "party groups"
    From what we saw Temptation is now a party group atmosphere. It is no longer a place couples can go vacation, party, meet others and share the "no one cares, no one gives a shit" attitude. Its all about image, groups of guys dressed in wife beaters wearing fake louis vuitton hats shorts and tennis shoes throwing $$$$$ on some chicks fake ass.

    3. Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones
    I lost count of how many times people were asked to stop taking pics. The best part was most people were only give 1 chance before a sticker was offered to them. But evidently if you have $$ and can buy a cabana infront of the pool bar you can video and take pics all you want. I never saw security do anything except escort 3 guys to leave that snuck in.

    4. The Obnoxious rich
    Twice i witnessed the Italian playmaker Sasha get her ass grabbed or slapped by one of the rich cabana boys. Security never did anything but the second guy she cursed like a dog while pointing her finger in his face.
    There were several times a couple of the other play makers would get bombarded by one of the "party groups" until they could find a way out.

    5. costumes
    The first couple nights there we took part in dressing up for theme nights, but quickly realized only about 25% of the couples were dressing up. 0% of the party groups.

    6. Music
    Rap, rap, rap, rap, rap, etc.......
    Dont get me wrong I like rap music too, but all day and night..... Somethings gotta give.. Maybe its us couples???
    If the rap music crowed is what the resort is trying to draw in, its working!
    Our last day there was a hurricane party inside all day. After about 6 hours of the same music and songs i went to ask the DJ if i could request a song and he said no. We left and went and drank in the rain on the beach by ourselves. Best decision we made all day that day.

    7. Food
    Breakfast was the same everyday but good.

    Lunch was the same everyday but good. Burgers of tacos

    Dinner, we tried it all again this trip but only liked sea flirt and sutra. I think we ate sutra 3 nights.
    We've never gone to Temptation for the food!

    One thing disturbing about the restaurants is how many couples stared into their phones the whole time and never even spoke to each other. One couple did the whole time while at the hibachi table at sutra. We left our phones in the safe everyday except for about 30min to call back home.

    Unless things changes back I doubt we will ever visit again. But I honestly believe the resort doesn't care. I think the resort is sold out most all the time and that's all they care about. When i say there were groups i mean there were at least 10 groups anywhere from 3 to 8 guys or girls in a group. I think i only saw 1 group of girls and they had 3.
    We are booked for the cruise in February and very nervous its all gonna be the same. The Facebook group we are a part of appears to be all couples. The scary thing is they are promoting it very hard at the resort.
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  2. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    We have not been for a few years but it was starting then. Thanks for the review.
  3. Bryan21178

    Bryan21178 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Flushing MI
    +468 / 0
    Thanks for taking the time to write the review. Sad to hear that phones are still an issue and becoming worse. I guess its a sign of the times. The party groups come and go. TTR will still be my home away from home. This year we will be checking out Jamaica in FEB.
  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    I said the same thing about the phones in restaurants. You see that EVERYWHERE now, so it's going to work it's way to vacation too. People just don't know how to take their time, enjoy a meal, and converse at a table anymore. I went into a local Mexican restaurant two weeks ago to pickup takeout. I had to wait 10-15 minutes for my food and there was a family of 7 (could have had a friend or two with them). All kids and the parents all had their phones in-hand looking down, and not one word was spoken until their dinners arrived.

    As far as when it gets back to normal, I think February will probably be a change for you guys. And it will start getting much better after that. Things are still weird with Corona, and the summers normally have more party groups as well.

    The constant rap does need to change. I'd rather have the EDM. A mix of all is required.
  5. ottcpl

    ottcpl Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Good trip report, we were supposed to be there right now (cancelled it for a couple of reasons). Our thought was to go back either next summer or spring but I'm thinking I might put the credit into going back to Desire, we are on the older side of things these days, partying around drunk 20 year olds is not our thing anymore
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  6. bevy

    bevy Guru Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    we asked a dj once to play something he lied and said he had a play list he had to stick to
    we went to a playmaker and complained right after our song got played and he started mixing it up
    maybe other people had asked
    last labor day they were great about mixing it up
  7. mexico24

    mexico24 Guru Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    +1,176 / 3
    Good/honest report! We were there in June for a couple weeks and saw similar new crowds/behavior. Groups of guys roaming BASH and the sexy pool, some looked like they felt out of place, others were trying too hard. The "groups", either male or female usually do not participate in the themes, but they are usually gone from BASH by midnight. If it wasn't for friends from previous trips being there at the same time the trip would have been a let down, definitely not the same place as when we first started going a few years ago and everyone was friendly and inviting. Toplessness was definitely less than 50%, It used to be 80% to 90%, Kay said it was a little uncomfortable to remove her top because not many others were doing it on some days. Not saying that going topless is a necessity, its a person's own choice, but the crowds do make the fence sitters uncomfortable.

    The food selection variety on the al la carte menus appeared changed, and lessened. We had more room service than previous trips, just because the menu selections didn't seem worth getting dressed up. I do like how they changed the Mexican restaurant into the Flame and vise-versa. The Sutra and Flirt were our favorite. The room service was quick, usually less than 15 minutes.

    Cell phones, people were definitely on them a lot, especially the "groups", lots of selfies/Instagram livestreaming, instead of just enjoying themselves.
    Music, same old. The DJ would play some mix that emptied the dancefloor and keep it going for a while.

    Our first couple of trips I'd definitely give a 10/10 rating, this last one maybe a 7/10, which isn't bad, and we'll be back, but not with the same anticipation.
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  8. Sonny&Andrea

    Sonny&Andrea Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Kentucky for the summer, Texas for the winter.
    +491 / 1
    Here right now, and I agree with every single thing he just said. He hit the nail on the head about, if you buy a cabana, they won’t say a word to you about your photo taking. Forgive me, they will address it over the speaker,but security won’t make you stop.
  9. Sonny&Andrea

    Sonny&Andrea Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Kentucky for the summer, Texas for the winter.
    +491 / 1
    FYI we haven’t made bash not one night. So we can’t comment on it. And we always enjoy the food and staff here, and that hasn’t changed. I will say this though. Normally the playmakers come and talk to us, and we used to know all of them. They invited us to participate in games and such. We are fun and my wife is hot. Been here three days, and not one playmaker has talked to either of us. Every woman I’ve seen in the games, is one that keeps her top on all day. Now is that the only couples they are asking or is that the only couples that agree to do it? Idk. But it really does seem the resort is purposely trying to switch the demographic of their clientele.
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  10. M&MfromLA

    M&MfromLA Regular Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    We're headed to Temptation in 2 weeks for the 3rd time and honestly, we're used to this type of atmosphere sorry to say. We both just recently moved to Las Vegas (year ago) and before that we lived in Los Angeles. In other words, we are WELL acquainted with the type of crowd and behavior being described. Vegas pools have "Instagram stations" set up to take pics and there are always lines of girls getting their poses ready while they wait (waste) 30 minutes to make it to the front. It's comical and sad.

    Our phones get turned off the moment we enter our home airport. We lock them in the safe when we arrive and the next time we turn them back on is when we are in CUN waiting for our flight out. We're on vacation dammit and the last thing I want to do is be reminded of the outside world. For all I know, the US could be destroyed by a nuclear bomb and we'd still be sipping drinks being oblivious (until the nuclear winter reached Cancun).

    To us, we see it as a desperate need to belong with a sprinkle of narcissism and a dash of FOMO . The entire idea of buying a cabana at Temptation is crazy because it defeats the purpose which is mingling, meeting new people and sharing experiences. However, I'm sure the owners saw a great money making opportunity and ran with it. Can't blame them. It's not our resort, it's a business. Consumers have influence but I think the tide is slowly turning towards the dark side, especially during a pandemic. They need $$ just like any other business.

    Our humble advice is to not be part of the problem. When in the pool, talk people up. When at a meal, put your phone away and look in each others eyes. When looking for a lounge chair, ignore the cabana's or have a little fun with them and say something like "all the fun is in the pool...there's better beds in your room" (something playful). And when you see a playmaker, smile and say good morning or afternoon to them to show everyone that YOU are the friendly one. They are probably noticing the change too and are likely feeling a little out of sorts with this newer crowd. Worst that can happen is that someone doesn't reciprocate. Lucky you know who not to talk to next time around.
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