Balls Out Trip Report - May 28th - June 5th

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by ScubaSteve, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    OK, so it has been a wee bit of time since I have been there(4 weeks), and I have actually come out of my post-vacation depression. Also, my brain cells have finally repaired themselves enough for me to be able to write again. With all the things being said via Facebook, and then some questions and concerns on CCC regarding the member price increases, I figured I might as well throw a trip review up to provide a momentary distraction from the perils of our 1st world vacation problems. Having been a few weeks since being on-site, I probably won’t be able to remember as much as I should…Oh no wait, hold on, strike that, reverse it…Having drank as much as I did while on-site, I defiantly am not able to remember as much as I would like to.

    For those that may not know, a bit of background can always be helpful. This was the 4th Temptation trip for Elyse and I. Our trip progression has been: (1)late Sept 2013, (2) mid Sept 2014, (3) mid May 2015, and now (4) late May/early June 2016. I am from Philly, Elyse is from Delaware. 34 and 33, and we have been together for 12 years, married 6, with 1 son who will be 5 soon. Our mutual attraction for partying brought us together in college, and we have been rocking it ever since. We are not in the lifestyle, but vacation can get a little more crazy then normal life ;) The first time going to TTR we were hesitant based on trip advisor, but still decided to roll the dice. We found out by day 2 that “this place was made for us”.

    “Where shall I begin?”
    “Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” (guess this could get long)

    Our trip was Saturday – Sunday (May 28th-June 5th). I would love to do a day by day review. But a couple of days would just be “Ummm I don’t know, fun stuff happened I think??!!”. I always mean to bring a little notepad and write some things down as the week goes, but that once again didn’t happen. The only note I wrote on the nightstand notepad was what looked like a bunch of random numbers and a drawing of a penis. God only knows, and I am 99.9 % sure they weren’t related to one another, haha, I hope.

    From Philly direct via American Airlines(3.5 hour flight). Normally we take the first flight out (7ish am), but this year when we bought tickets it was $100 less total to take the 10:30 flight. Seemed like a great idea at the time (2 months before) when booking the travel, but as it came closer and closer to the trip, I was like seriously for a $100 bucks and could have been there 3-4 hours sooner. Also, stupidly forgot that the airport would be way more crowded at 1pm then it would have been at 10:30am. Which it sadly was. Never seen the airport that busy, every line was packed. The one recommendation I can give with this though is to take a few minutes and look for a short line. It’s very easy to take on the role of a sheep and just herd into the line everyone else goes to. But we walked down to the far end, and it might have saved us 15-20 minutes(not a huge amount of time, but it’s something).

    On the Pro side of the later flight. It did allow me to actually go out on Friday night and party. And then on Saturday morning we did have time for some decent food and drinks pre-flight.


    For the second time we used USA Transfers. Once again amazing service. Locked and loaded within 7 minutes of walking out of the airport doors. The van was clean, well air conditioned, and our driver was very friendly and spoke English well. They always seem to have some funny questions about what goes on once they realize you are going to Temptation and that you have been there many times before. Traffic was pretty crazy, and we actually went off the highway to avoid backups. It was a completely different way then we have gone before. It’s nice that they know their way around; getting you there as fast as possible. Added bonus this time was that our driver had a cooler of beer on the ready for a $2 purchase(my understanding is they were not allowed to do this before but are now).


    Departure was equally smooth. I wrote on another thread before that it is nice that you can be confident they are coming to pick you up when they say they are. After checkout we dropped our bags, stayed at the quiet pool bar to the last possible moment, came back a hour+ later at our scheduled departure time, and they showed 5 minutes later. There were many people just waiting in sadness in the lobby for extended periods of time. It’s so much better to not have to wait and just be ready and rolling right when you are supposed to.


    We were on referral, so it was strait to the premier office. It was past 3pm, but the room wasn’t ready. We were kind of bummed about that, because one thing we hoped with later flight was that we wouldn’t have to do that weird waiting period in our travel clothes (which Elyse and I hate). I know lots of people just change in the bathroom and head to the pool, but we don’t really feel like we can fully get into party mode until the bags are unpacked, take a shower, have a quickie, and then put our suits on.

    I asked what room we were getting, and explained we do have a couple of preferences. At this they didn’t seem very happy I had a preference, and kind of gave me the cold shoulder. This is something that on all 4 trips really pisses me off. I know there is this huge room game, and I hate playing it. This trip I wanted to make sure we had a room with the sink in the bathroom (not in the bedroom part). I like having a completely separate area with a door. They said that we could go look at the room because they were still cleaning it. I don’t remember the number, but it was literally the furthest room on the resort in the ocean block of 5000s, but it wasn’t an ocean view room. Next to our balcony was the parking lot of the property next door. The room and balcony were a little smaller than what we have had in the past, but the bathroom and the double shower was to our liking. I didn’t feel like making a fuss, so Elyse and I decided it was good enough. Housekeeping was still cleaning the room. We introduced ourselves, tipped her ahead, asked for more water, and asked to keep stocking just the tacate light beer. She had to go looking for those beers, but it wasn’t a problem at all.

    We headed back to the premier office, said the room was fine, and then we sat at the desk. The person working the desk asked the normal questions about our past. She seemed new and I felt like we knew more than she did. They tried immediately signing us up for the presentation the next day. We explained we already booked the Boobs Cruise, and that we would have to do it another day. It seemed like I told them I took a shit on their pillow, and she got very agitated at me. This was a bit of a fight and struggle, and finally they said OK and let us do it the following day (which I didn’t want to do either because it was the day after the Boobs Cruise and my birthday, but whatever). I guess in all this back and forth, she forgot to give us our lobster coupons. Days later we realized this, and it was another fight to get them to issue them to us (they said again, but it was really the first time).

    One other suggestion I can make for the premier office is to fully explain the benefits of being a member or on a referral, as it seems like lots of people don’t get the full picture when they check-in. Yeah I know the spa discount, but I was completely unaware on two trips you could get actual room service for free. I knew of the continental breakfast door card thing, but didn’t find out you could get full hot meals delivered at multiple time-frames throughout the day. I know there sometimes are translation issues, and talking over the phone to the restaurants is even harder, so I think it would be most helpful if they had a detail printout with instructions, times, and menus related to all the premier services and benefits.

    OK now that all that boring stuff is over (which you can tell I clearly remember), let’s get on to the fun stuff (which is pretty fuzzy).



    Awesome as usual! Most days we docked our bag and flip flops by the chairs right near the premier bar. We enjoy the first few, or many, drinks of the day up there before moving closer then into the pool. Elyse and I both smoke when in party mode, so going up on that back edge above the beach seems more respectful of others that don’t smoke. The bartenders at the premier bar do have it pretty rough. They serve a huge volume there, and that bar just isn’t setup the best for service. This busyness and cramped area doesn’t allow for much guest interaction when busy. The sexy pool top bar is always fun, and we spent lots of time over there this trip later in the day. I think we closed it down almost every day, then moved to a multitude of various locations to drink and party more. The guys at the top part have lots of fun, and I enjoy all their jokes when the games are going on, and their cup and bottle flipping skills. Once again they had no problem holding a couple of Jägermeister bottles for me, and JD fire for Elyse (which we have no problem sharing). The quiet pool bar was great a couple of nights when we were still in our bathing suits refusing to give the day up and prepare for the night (this was a huge downfall for me personally this trip. I sadly didn’t make it to a single dinner until Thursday). Nights that we did go out, the quiet pool bar was rocking with people waiting for tables, and the bartenders had no problem keeping up with the crowd. My main drink this trip was Crown and Diet, which was a nice change up for me. Also, they did have fireball at the premier bar consistently.


    I never really notice a problem with the chair saving, mostly because it doesn’t affect me as I never really sit/lay in a chair. I would say though on this trip I noticed less shirt hogging chairs then I have seen in the past, and it didn’t seem like the same shirts were in the same spots every day (or this could just be me with rose colored glasses). One change up for me this trip is that I did lay in a chair for an hour or two near the bar. I was really hurting this day and drank about 15 mugs of ice-water. I just kept drinking half, and dumping the other half on myself. I remember at one point I heard someone say near me “I think Steve is dying.” which I responded with “I think I am too, haha”. Luckily I didn’t die, and was able to power-up later the day.


    Top notch as always. I would like to think that I tip pretty well, but I don’t think that is the only reason I get great service. I feel like everyone is always on point; even on my first trip. The servce seems even better now (perhaps cause I have been there multiple times and I am pretty easy to pick out of a crowd), but no matter if I am near the fun holes, by the pool, or just walking around, someone is always saying “Steve do you need another drink?” It might be the workers fault that I partied too hard this trip, because they were always right there :). Service at the restaurants was great as well. And multiple times we had large groups 6-8, and they were able to accommodate us with no hassle. They didn’t even mind when I order rounds of Milago silver chilled (easy shot of tequila) for everyone. It’s the people at the table that might mind more, haha, but it’s all good cause I’ll do the extras if they don't want them. And I love when I order, everyone moans, and Elyse she says “Oh yeah this is what he does”.

    We had a really fun meal at the seafood restaurant the one night, and there was 7 of us. Thank god they put us towards the back, but I do apologize to anyone that was around us if we were too loud and a bit crud. We actually played this game we went around the table telling the story of how each one of us lost their virginity. Then we named a shot after for what it would be called (for example the “musty boathouse”). This was great fun, and we really enjoyed the company (plus I was pretty happy I actually made it to a dinner, which was a huge accomplishment)

    Theme nights and PatyO’s

    Participation seemed pretty good on the nights I made it out. PatyO’s was very crowded in my opinion. And it was super-hot (which is one of the reasons I don’t mind taking nights off; concentrating my efforts on just really having a fun long day). Many nights I had more fun once the crowd died down a bit and you could have a bit more breathing/dancing room (this ended in seeing a couple of sunrises, and some serious beer chugging). My birthday was Superhero night, and I think my Superman split moves were on-point, but I found out the hard way that I can’t fly. Luckily I had a fantastic helper assisting me back to our end of the resort, sometimes crawling was necessary. Elyse also looked amazing this night in what was probably the smallest Wonder Woman costume ever. It’s always great when dudes order things for the ladies hoping they work out the way we imagine in our heads, and then Oh My it so does.

    This was the first trip we actually went to Nice Shoes for lingerie night(normally it’s just strait to PatyO’s), but we were very glad we did. It was really packed, and they were enforcing the dress code for guys (boxers with no shits), and the table games were almost impossible to get to, but the strip contest was really funny, and some contestants had serious acrobatic skills. Another thing I remember from this night was a dude (who I talked to many times before), fully dressed at Jesus in PatyO’s. He was on stage with the dancers, and was doing one hell of a job! It was far from religious, but there was lots of people saying “Oh My God!”.



    The food was about the same as it has been before. It isn’t amazing, but it isn’t bad. Breakfast is solid. For lunch I do a good amount of ‘make my own raw seafood plate’ and have them cook it. The stuff sitting out varies in quality. I normally suggest not eating steak when you are down there. Mainly because it will not be as good as at home, but this trip I was wrong. Between my wife and I there were a few thick steaks and nice fillets. Not sure if these were just from the premier menu selections, but they were a very nice surprise. On our last day it was actually hurricane like weather(only day of bad weather). We decided to just take this day easy with lots of alone room time ;) We actually ordered a full dinner from the Italian restaurant consisting of salad, soup, apps, lobster dinners, a steak dinner, and desserts. I never knew this was an option before, and it was all banging. It was a great way to spend our last night! (I may have looked at this differently if there wasn’t a monsoon out the window)

    The PARTY people (specifics and names are left out to protect the guilty)

    OMG this trip was off the charts! I missed the Mayhem group this year, and there were several other close friends from past trips that were seriously missing from this trip. But there was something nice about meeting all new people. It was kind of like being a virgin all over again, and touched for the very first time. There were serious Hotties as far as the eye could see! The sexy pool was very topless, and many of the girls were very fit and good looking. I am not a judgmental person, and I am not boob crazy (all the time), but everyone there was really working it this trip. No matter what your shape or size, confidence is the most attractive quality on someone, and there was no shortage of that. I love how everyone pumps everyone else up, and the energy that creates is fantastic.

    I have to say that I had many one on one conversions this trip, and great general group discussions with people about all kinds of stuff. I found myself saying more than normal “No one ever says that but me” repeatedly. It just reminds you how similar minded people gravitate to this resort. You can really hang with people, and enjoy fantastic conversation with similar minded individuals without getting the awkward eye because you believe in things different then the social norm. I feel like I learn so much about other cultures and people when I am there, and I just really like that. Also, some great Star Trek conversations were had this trip, which is always an added bonus to me :). Thank you everyone for spending time with Elyse and I, we really enjoyed it. Special shout-out to our Flip cups days, and FUN HOLE #1 crew in general. Once again it was proven that playing flip cup with shot stacks is a terrible terrible idea.

    Also, I found out girls like to pop some Viagra too. Not 100% sure what that is about, but they seem to like it. I believe they practically give it away across the street at the pharmacy.

    Sexy Stuff (again many specifics and names are left out to protect the guilty)

    Ok so this trip either there was more of it, I just noticed it more, or even better that I played a roll. I saw more open room shades/balcony shows then in the past, more PDA in the pool, and lots of sexy fun all around. You people are all great, and hot! Pretty sure all pool games had full nudity at times, and pretty much every time I looked at a new game starting, someone I knew was in it. A special sorry to anyone that was near our room, we had a couple of fantastically talented hot ladies performing their best singing and ummm dance moves in my room two different nights. Pre-white night might go down as the best show I ever saw, and partially assisted in. (guess I could be considered “stage crew”)

    Boobs Cruise

    Another great one! Thanks to Steve and the entire crew always living up to the hype of the Boobs cruise. They all really know how to put a party together, and at this point it is a well-oiled machine. I thought we were headed out on a smaller cruise this trip, but last minute the day was sold out and we were even on the bigger boat. Some stiff drinks in the morning from the buffet bar really got this day going. Great idea! I find myself in the back talking Steve a bunch, always a great convo. I think I did move around more this time then on my last cruise where my legs and brain were not communicating with each other. The time on the island was fun (sorry if I was watching shower activities too closely). Thanks to Chinos for assisting my with a special “perv” seat, haha. That’s not usually my thing, but I think there was something extra special in the orange drink that day ;) Also, got into a minor misunderstanding getting off the boat at the end of the day, thankfully we were able to clear it up pretty quickly and had multiple drinks together later, and the next day. (always great when other new friends can help clear things up and make a situation better instead of worse). I’d love to say more about this day, but it’s a bit hazy…so I guess that’s mission accomplished! Pretty sure no dinner was ate that night, and I did not make it out. Elyse might have done both without me (which is another thing I love about TTR. Your spouse can go out without you with no worries at all. Most people wouldn’t do that at other places)

    Single dudes

    This dreaded topic…yep this was the first trip I actually noticed an overabundance of single dudes. However, none of them seemed to be a problem (at least when I was in their presence. And I didn’t hear any other negative stories either). I guess there really are a few different types of dudes in this category, lumping them all together doesn’t seem fair. First, there are the random singles, or 2 buddies traveling together. This classification seems to cause zero problems, meets lots of people, has fun, and appears to do pretty well with the ladies (single ladies and/or couples). I got the sense they go on vacation to have a good time and see what happens. It seemed to play our pretty well for them, and they are easily accepted into most circles. Second, there are the younger(mid 20s) singles in a larger groups. There was a couple of groups of friends and a bachelor party later this week. This classification seems to stick together. Individually these guys all seem fine, but when the full group is together it just looks like a circle jerk. Multiple times I would see a crowd form in the pool, by the swings at the sexy pool bar, or some area in PatyO’s. I personally didn’t see them do anything stupid, or harass any ladies, but gathering in a pack like that seems completely stupid to me at a place like Temptation.

    Most girls seeing 15 dudes standing together drinking know to avoid them. My friends at home don’t really do that anywhere. Everyone splits off the main group in smaller pairs, and we go out and mingle on our own. It’s just common sense, but I guess most mid-20s single guys don’t understand this yet. I have no idea why groups like this would even want to go to Temptation. And I feel like they are going to be the first demographic to disappear after the renovation. You would mostly see these circles form about 2-4pm, and then again early at PatyO’s or very late. (It seemed like they sleep-in late, pregame at PatyOs, go out at night, then come back). So really I only think there are small windows when there could be problems. Again, I don’t really worry about this too much, as Elyse has been dealing with this consistently since she was 18.

    Related to single dudes I was thinking about this recently. When do you ever go out to the bar and it is a 1:1 girl to guy ratio? For me it’s hardly ever…and that’s dating back all the way to college. Obviously on vacation it would be ideal if it was as close to 1:1 as possible, but just going to a regular bar on the weekends at home is like a 1:3 or 4 girl to guy ratio. I guess because I am used to going out so often at home and dealing with this on the regular, that it doesn’t affect me much at Temptation. I have always known to say out of the wolf pack, and typically do pretty well mingling. 1 or 2 guys talking to 2 or 3 girls always goes over much better than 5 dudes approaching 2 ladies.

    Member pitch

    Ok so we went into this trip wanting to buy originally, but when the reno announcements were official, we said there are too many variables and decided it wasn’t time. We actually started off with our timeshare person saying the same thing. I explained I know a lot about the pitch, and we basically decided we were going to get it over as quick as possible to send us on our way. Our dude Bob (newer and from the states) was really nice, and not high pressure (like we have had before). He wasn’t even mad us saying it wasn’t going to happen. And since we started at 8:30, and skipped eating breakfast, I guess he figured he could get in a second pitch for the day. But at one point close to the end of our hour, I looked at Elyse and was like "Sometimes you got to say WTF, and make your move Risky Business style, let’s just buy in". (I mean I already sold out so much in other parts of my life, I might as well buy in to one of the things that makes the daily grind worth living)

    I know there are lots of unknowns at this point, but just revisiting TTR wasn’t the only thing I was considering. My parents have always done pretty well picking up places using RCI, and I am looking forward to being able to go to Sea Adventures with my son in the near future. If Temptation was the only thing I was thinking about, then maybe it would still be a no. But with these other factors, and the fact that we actually have been to TTR 4 times recently, it was like whatever we might as well just do it. Also, if Steve is actually considering membership, then it can’t be all that bad of an idea…he really seems to know his Cancun stuff ;)

    So now we are gold members, and that’s that. Can’t wait to keep going to this place for a long time. I know the prices will go up, but so does everything in life. I don’t want the place to go all posh, but I think it might turn out to be a happy medium to what it is now, and everyone’s worst case scenario. I did get the feeling that they still want to keep the party going post-reno. They said it’s “t’s Temptations party people's time to get hooked up with a nice resort” (meaning that TTR started first, all other Original properties are nicer, and now the clock hand is about to spin around again), and that’s what I wanted to hear. Yeah maybe that’s gullible optimism on my behalf, but I rolled the dice originally even going to this resort, and I am willing to roll them again for the future.

    The End

    So in conclusion, the vacation was AWESOME! The people were once again beyond AMAZING, and I thank everyone one of you for the time we spent together. I found myself sometimes just sitting alone and soaking it all in before everything changes (hopefully for the better, but you can’t forget your roots). If you have the benefit of going again before the closure, I suggest taking a few minutes of reflection time here or there if you can :)

    P.S. I included some additional pictures in an album under my profile, feel free to check them out. Sorry this was so long, it was my first trip report and I figured if you are going to do it, you better just go balls out. As my tattoos say: “Are you not Entertained” and “Live Long and Prosper”
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
  2. Donna & Tim

    Donna & Tim I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    NW Connecticut
    +1,605 / 6
    Steve well done, thanks.
    Take care of those ribs.

  3. breedlove711

    breedlove711 Regular Registered Member

    Jul 14, 2015
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    North East Ohio
    +78 / 1
    Great review!!
  4. Aaron & Becky

    Aaron & Becky Regular Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Kansas City, Missouri
    +67 / 0
    Great trip report Steve! Really enjoyed the detail. Sorry we missed you guys this May/June. Maybe we'll be able to hang out and party at the "new & improved" Temptation one day.
  5. Bradnlisa

    Bradnlisa Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    +1 / 0
    Great report Steve, thanks for reminding us how much we miss the place
  6. Kevin_Ailsha

    Kevin_Ailsha President of the Fireball Nomad Trailerhood Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    +514 / 0
    Great report scuba and Elyse looked great as always. Hate that our paths didn't cross this year but always looking forward to the next time they will my friend!
  7. Guido and Blondie

    Guido and Blondie Paty'O Panty Patrol Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    State of Jefferson
    +67 / 0
    Great report Steve. Still bummed that you guys couldn't make the Mayhem Phuckers this year but I'm glad you and that sexy wife of yours had a great time.
  8. FunFoss

    FunFoss Addict Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    +1 / 0
    Great report Steve, Look forward to meeting up with You and Elyse again. Such a good time!!
  9. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    Awesome review as always!
  10. Luv2havefun

    Luv2havefun Regular Registered Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Notheast USA
    +994 / 0
    Great trip report!...Elsye is beautiful;)
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