What's your funniest TTR story?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Queenanne, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. Queenanne

    Queenanne Regular Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2013
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    +25 / 0
    I'll start! K. So it was our first trip. We met a great couple from England that we really clicked with. After a few days we got pretty comfortable around each other. Anyway, I was a contestant in a game show and one of my challenges was to dress up a person on my team from head to toe completely as the opposite sex in 3 minutes.(my team was 1/3 of nice shoes club). Now I didn't hesitate one tiny second nor did I ask my new friend if he WANTED to be part of my reindeer games and get dressed as a woman, I JUST STARTED STRIPPING HIS CLOTHES OFF! (His wife was helping). Anyway, about 15 seconds in, he starts waving us away yelling "hold on hold on". Immediately, I thought to myself, " oh shit, probably should've asked this poor guy first". Then he continues to yell (in his best British accent). "Hold on, stop, stop I ASSURE YOU, I CAN DO IT FASTER! ( or as he put it, " I con do it fawster". He was the best sport ever. He wore a thong really well, and someone stripped their dress right off for him. Good teamwork! He was very happy with the lipstick I painted right across his teeth too. He looked so pretty! Fun times!!
  2. MAXXandRACY

    MAXXandRACY Addict Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Idaho! (No, YOU da ho!)
    +12 / 0
    Does anyone mind an anecdote copy-pasted from our trip report thread? You do?! Tough. Here it is anyway:

    So there we were on our FIRST DAY of our FIRST TRIP, our first time ever at the Sexy Pool, and they had the aforementioned Miss Temptation contest. They needed a few guys to be judges/obstacles/whatever for the female participants, so I volunteered my buddy. (I’m great at volunteering others for the pool games; not so great at volunteering myself. Ha.)

    The final event was a blowjob contest: They brought out these big cocks made out of pastry, and the contestants had to perform oral sex on them for the crowd. Funny shit for a bunch of drunks in a pool! Here’s the thing, though: There were FOUR contestants and only THREE pastry cocks. Hmmm. So the first three contestants did their thing, to many cheers. When they got to Contestant #4, they said, “We need a REAL cock this time!” And there was my buddy, up on stage with them all. Wrong place, wrong time. (Or RIGHT place, RIGHT time, depending on your perspective.)

    Turns out Contestant #4 had no qualms about any of this, and of course she wanted to win, so she yanked down my buddy’s swimsuit and WENT DOWN ON HIM. In front of EVERYONE.

    My first thought was, “This is awesome.” My SECOND thought was, “Oh shit. Our friends are going to hate us, they’re going to go home now, and my buddy is going to get divorced and/or murdered.”

    Turns out his wife was a tremendous sport about it all. They’ve been back with us every year since, so that clearly indicates something.

    Also, both women ended up getting topless every time we were at the Sexy Pool. Yay!

    Also also, everyone now calls my buddy “BJ.” True story.

    ~MAXX (M-A-Dos-Equis)
  3. John & Michelle

    John & Michelle Regular Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    +972 / 1
    Me and the wife were in the sports pool at 2,3,4 in the morning with a few others. Some of us decided we don't need no stinking bathing suits. My wife said at some point, I decided in would be a good idea to get out of the pool with no swim suit. Now she said security was running behind me with a towel.
    Of course I have no recollection of this. She did say security was really nice about it.
  4. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Near St Louis
    +272 / 0
    It had to be one of Chinos' contests that involved popping balloons. Chinos was at the bottom of a collision with a very full figured gal as she dove on him to pop her balloon. Needless to say, Chinos came out of the wrong end of the collision.
  5. JanScott

    JanScott I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    Ottawa, ON Canada
    +113 / 1
    And that is one of the many reasons we love Chinos :)
  6. tgrlandboo

    tgrlandboo Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2014
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    formerly RI, USA, but now San Antonio, TX USA
    +23 / 0
    We had a first floor room with a hot tub facing the quiet pool. It was our first time going to TTR. We decided to have some "friends" over to help us enjoy the tub and things got a little out of control...security came over and told us to put the shade down in the front of the deck except that is one of the few rooms without one.....which we told them...LOL anyway, we reeled it in a bit and continued to enjoy ourselves. The bartender across the way loved every minute of it and thought we had been going to TTR for years....not bad for first timers!! :)
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