Well I definitely don't want to be the cause of another man not getting his......Cause I'm sure planning on getting mine......And I know what you mean about the Obey.......Happy Wife = Happy Life......No worries here, my wife doesn't smoke and she doesn't like a smoke filled room......I don't smoke in my house, car, or around my child.....I will almost always go outside to have my cigarette, just out of habit if nothing else.....lol
Dam, I don't even want to unleash on some of the one track minded, judgmental people on here. Best to just let em eat a lot, drink a lot. Oh but "don't smoke, that's bad for you". Signed, a really intelligent, US veteran and smoker.
people everywhere can co exist. period. nobody is going to like or agree to everything everyone does, eats, wears, drinks, smokes, pops, ect. the trick is not forcing your own beliefs down others throats, and to limit the harm you can do to others by your actions. I hate smoking!!! Have I done it for years? yep! am I quitting for other people? no! myself? yes.