There is always icecream at the resort. the buffet of course. 6 more days and you can do it.
I can resist unless I've been drinking; then its all over. My 4 year old daughter even cried out in her sleep. "No, daddy, no; don't eat it all!" And wedding cake. I'm down for white cake anytime. I've even called local bakeries to see if the have any canceled orders or rejects! Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Yup, in Raleigh, but they blew me off. In the end I need to just order the cake. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
I can skip the ice cream easy.... but....... we went to the mall yesterday (we NEVER go to the mall) and it was all I could do to not get A PRETZEL! I wanted a pretzel and pizza so bad...... I ended up with a protein smoothie shake. Sigh! We are going to start T25 this week. Won't get the 50 days in before the trip, but we will get in at least 20. Hope I can hang and not break an arm or leg EXERCISING before our trip!
pizza and pasta with the white creamy sauce will get me all the time!! well went 2 months without pizza. had one and a half pieces yesterday. was good, but not great pizza. so next time I will hold out for the good stuff!
Yeah we don't ever eat not excellent pizza anymore. Pretty much, we don't eat any naughty food unless it's excellent otherwise we feel like we wasted a meal. I can't tell if it's a healthier or less healthy way to be with food, though...
well the way I see it, the better quality the food if your going to splurge is going to fill that craving better than just mediocre stuff. then you can say wow now im good for awhile. I piece of the pie pizza is way better than 3 of just ok stuff.
No one gets out of this life alive might a well slide into the grave with a smile on my face with no regrets and eat ice cream when I want. (which is not often at Alli
EXACTLY! When it's crappy, you still want what you wanted to begin with so WTH?? lol That's why I'm holding out for tortilla chips until TTR. Everyone there Thursday when I arrive, HOLD YOUR TONGUES when you see me eating my body weight in chips!!!! Unless they aren't actually good. Then I won't be eating them and will be finding something else to eat