STOP TALKING ABOUT ICE CREAM!!!!! lol. Been so depressed that I haven't been able to workout and all I see is beautiful food commercials while "resting" (dr orders). Tomorrow I get to go back to the gym But still no ice cream. 9 Days till we get to meet all you awesome people in person!!!!
Its nice to see you back to the living!!! missed you on here. lol P.S. You are allowed a bowl of Ice cream. you will still look beautiful.
Awww, you melt my heart (unlike the bowl of ice cream if it was sitting in front of me). Whatever I had was plain hell. I was so sick that I actually wasn't even excited about the strange. But all better now and can barely contain myself!!!!
I have enough of veggies, water and exercises myself ! Can't wait to trade all of that for chicken wings, beer and sexy games !! ... in about 14 days watch out for the shortage of greesy stuff and beer in Cancun.
It's so great to come in and read that others are feeling the same way I am (as I'm drinking what I lately consider to be my 'treat' - a protein shake). Exciting! :wink3:
You guys sound like you need to meet a couple of great looking personal trainers. I know a couple! See you in 7 more sleeps!
:aktion031:So glad i'm lactose intolerant! 10 more sleeps for us and then bring on the calories. hopefully we will be burning the calories off as quickly as we are gaining them!
I'm a personal trainer! That doesn't mean I want to eat like a monk all the time lol And I ate my ice cream tonight. I won't embarrass myself by telling you how much...but I'm Rome sure would be happy to share, since he resisted.