When will I know to make the deposit. I'm sorry we r new to this whole thing. This will be out first trip Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As each Boobs Cruise opens up for deposits you will see a post like the one abouve your post from Steve here in this thread and you will see a new thread like the one linked to in the post abouve your post. That is your indicator to spend some money. Jamie
BE REALLY CLEAR – This is just a planning list.. You will still NEED to post your names when Steve opens up the individual Cruises and make your deposits. This is just a planning tool. Just wanted to be sure everyone was aware and didn’t make the mistake of not signing up when they officially opened. OK just to make it a little easier for everyone to figure out when their friends are goings, here’s the list of who signed up for when… I’ll try and keep it up till the individual cruises open. If you said “and/or” you are down for both with a ? next to your name. If you said somewhere in the area of… you are not listed. If you said me and a bunch, I listed you till you define “and a bunch. The numbers at the end of the day (99-99) are the range of those that said yes to those that said yes and maybe. Other than that… Saturday 3rd May – Open for Deposits Wednesday 7th May – Deposits not yet open (22-34) XcurtX (2) Edward-Ali (2) ? Okc_mark (2) Angelwynn (6) Lucouell (2) 2sunburned (2) Daniellelauraine (2) ? HotAtHedo (4) Scottydog (2) ? Jimnlisa (4) ? Adam & Stacey (2) AK cpl (2) ? WSR (2) Sunday 11th May - Deposits not yet open (55-63) Alex1987 (1) Smickey (2) Redmuller (1) ? Kelly Cat (1) Mwwkw (2) SL,UT (2) H8Mondays (2) Jamie (3) J&I (2) Nick and Kelli (2) BrentandAmy (2) Jennifers29 (2) Flhx Hog (2) Daniellelauraine (2) ? Chris-n-allison (2) Fun Johnny (1) Carole (2) Paul&peter (2) Ed-Laura (2) Livin406 (4) ICECUBE88 (1) BostonMel (2) Love&Luck (2) Gottaski (2) Reddog68 (1) ? Jfmuggs (2) Wideglide022 (2) Anthony & Trina (2) Jen&Kyle (2) ? Tboyte (2) Sheila&Edgar (4) CharlieandMary (2) Tuesday 13th May - Deposits not yet open (4-12) Jen&Kyle (2) ? Redmuller (1) ? Tony and Pat (5) Fun Johnny (1) ? Northernlites66 (2) ? ICECUBE88 (1) Thursday 15th May - Deposits not yet open (42-48) MrJand SluttyQuinn (4) Fbjr1 (4) Osiferrick (4) AME (2) Redmuller (1) ? J&I (4) Redrum and Rangers1010 (10) Aaron & Becky (2) Fun Johnny (1) Northernlites66 (2) ? Ed-Laura (2) ICECUBE88 (1) BostonMel (2) Gottaski (2) Reddog68 (1) ? Ange and Graeme (2) Stephane (2) CharlieandMary (2) ? Monday 19th May - Deposits not yet open (18-20) LeeAnn & Gary (2) Nawtys (2) Girlfortony (2) Edawgthecat (2) Redmuller (1) ? Stepaul555 (4) Fun Johnny (1) ? MardiGrastoCancun (2) FFC/WBA (2) Ozarks (2) Thursday 22nd May - Deposits not yet open (6-6) HotAUfans (4) Chad&Christy (2) Sunday 25th May - Deposits not yet open (36-36) Liv & Ren (2) Dndez (2) Tc123123 (2) LeeAnn & Gary (2) Nawtys (2) Skylay 1975 (3) Carcrz (2) DandH (2) Msnisha (2) Stacia and John (2) Dankuary (2) Vanislcpl (2) Liz67 (1) Party People (2) FFC/WBA (2) BlackLatinaLuv (2) Humperandwoody (2) Friday 30th May - Deposits not yet open (12-12) Laura1971 (4) Tc123123 (2) S-n-L (2) PaulandTara (2) Gsleejr (2) Jamie
Hey Steve, man it has been a long time since we have seen you! Remember "Excuse my Bottom!" Put us down for 05/22 for two. Can't wait, it is going to be a fun nekkid time!