Does anyone have any suggestions for a day trip to Isla Mujeres. We don't go on the Boobs Cruise and and noticed the day of the cruise the sexy pool is a little less crazy. Any advice on getting over there for a few hours? This will be my 9th time in Cancun and 4th time at TTR. I have never been to Isla Mujeres and would like to check it out.
From TTR, go to the beach, turn right, and walk for 10 minutes to the dock with the pirate ships. Take the Ultramar Ferry over, $17 round trip. ULTRAMAR When you get there rent a golf cart and cruise the island. For a great map that has a ton of info on it, check out (If I am not supposed to post these links, I apologize, and please delete it Steve.)
Thanks for the info. Any idea how much for a golf cart and how many hours we would need to see everything and stop for a few drinks?
It is a fun trip for sure. Be sure to get over in the morning though to get a golf cart. The first time we went we took the first ferry over of the day and had no problem getting a golf cart. The second time we did this we were lucky to enough carts for the group that went over and we went over about noon. When you get to the island, we come out onto the street and then turn right, walk a few blocks and then start haggling for prices on the carts. You will need driver's licenses to rent the carts. Then continue down the island that same direction and you will eventually find the drive thru liquor can buy a bag of ice and beers CHEAP!!! I actually use a large insulated lunch bag as a "purse" on the plane that doubled as our pool bag and cooler on vacation. You can then head to the end of the island and there is the "ruins" area and a restaurant there that looked good and served SOL beer...(haha). It is a beautiful drive on the "other side" of the island where the ocean is. A lot of people enjoy north beach also. Have fun.
Lobster was very good along with the other food at the restaurant at the ruins. Don't forget to stop at every bar hidden along the way. There are some gems. For instance The Joint was a unique place.
I would get one of the little boats on the left when u get over there,there are loads and they take around 8 people u go to the lighthouse snorkelling and then a really great place where they cook fish on the beach.
Look for the beer stop that says "Beer so cold it will make your teeth hurt" Or where we are from "Tooth"
Isla is a must do! We love the shops and the silver......great food.....cold beer an great ocean side........sandy quiet beaches for an adult couples+ activity!
we will probably go over there on boobs cruze day as said earlier get a golf cart,dont remember the cost but it aint much.we usually eat at the joint over looking the ocean at the end of the island if you turn right after getting off ferry.if you have women on the back of cart warn them before the speed bumps they get pissy when you almost throw them out of the cart