Very well said!! To us TTR is really about the people we meet and the fun we have there. Honestly if we could find someplace closer to have the same type of experience we'd be there a lot more frequently!
Enough drama about the lounge chairs people, just go to TTR and make the most of every minute there. Life is too damn short to worry about where your going to sit!! Go , drink , eat , and have the time of your life . Worry about where u park your ass when u get to the pool!!! Lmfao Oh ya be flirty with people too it improves the atmosphere!!
This is our first time at TTR but I highly doubt I will care about seats...I sit at my job for 40+ hours a week. I want to be in the pool! I want to be walking the beach! I want to be getting a drink! This is what we are paying for
I agree 95%, however I like controversy/drama, I enjoy reading other people's perspectives and opinions even if I don't agree, sometimes it gives us something to think about and be aware of other people feelings. CC has brought people together and most of us are pretty considerate when we know how or what others think and feel about certain topics. I know for us we have changed our attitude regarding another topic... which I won't bring up, because we understand how others feel. I would understand someone's feelings regarding this matter if they came on this thread and said we've been to TTR 2 or 3 times and can never get a lounger by the sexy pool !!!
We never bother to get chairs at the sexy pool. If we are at the sexy pool, we are either in it or around it, and we are hanging out & meeting people. If we want to relax, we just head down to the beach and grab chairs. We can still hear the action at the sexy pool from there, so we can hop up the steps real quick if there is something going on that we want to see. The beach chairs are good for that afternoon siesta that we need every now & then!
If you want to get totally trashed stumbling falling down drunk till you puke go ahead . Its not our thing . Yes we do drink but keep ourselves and our bodily functions under control so we can have fun and know what we did and who we did it with :3some:artytime:
I am willing to bet that you are not judgmental people and go on vacation to enjoy yourselves. I am also willing to bet that you've done some research and understand that TTR is a bit more of an adult atmosphere and unlike most resorts the party continues after the sun goes down and into the wee hours. I am also willing to bet you're easy going and open-minded and want to meet lots of new people and have a great time. Some of your posts don't exactly capture that spirit. I'm sure this is a result of an overly harsh Canadian winter. Relax, do your thing and have a great time