We need to get this off the shore people.... Sign up now... Would not be right to say you went to TTR and did not do the Boob Cruise. First Timer and can't wait...
DEFINATELY INTERESTED BOOB CRUISE - THERE WILL BE AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE.....anytime from Dec 21 - Jan 2nd. I will be there for 2 weeks.....last year you didnt have one was completely dissapointed....... sent to all who expressed interest** The cruise planned for Friday 27th December is now open for deposits. http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/Temptation-resort-cancun/28464-cancuncare-boobs-cruise-fri-27th-december-provisional.html Details of the day, how to pay your deposit and the attendee list can be found here: If you have any questions please post them in the thread linked above rather than asking via PM and I'll answer them there. I look forward to seeing you all there Steve
I think we may be up to 25 or so before Christmas. Not holding my breath yet but that's just people on CCC. I wonder how many not in the forum could be rounded up at the resort.
We will be there from Dec 21st to 30th.. Trying to plan other activities, would love to do the Boobs Cruise! Thanks! Alisa Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk