Bet that was in the Italian. Happened to me too. Edgar - the grumpiest member of the TTR staff, never once seen to crack a smile. I'm taking a cover up to get me to the table this year.... :daisy:
Surprised to hear about women being turned away. Curious to know what it takes for that to happen. Was it something see through? Were the goods exposed?
Certainly not! I was wearing expensive albeit sexy black lace short dress, this in fact.. Which, if you stared hard enough, you could see a bit of nippleage. Hardly shocking at TTR you'd think.... :daisy:
Thanks for the visual. That dress doesn't seem inappropriate at all. Again, was surprised to hear women would be turned away as long as everything was covered.
It's only at the Italian, and only when Edgar is on duty. I have never had any problems any other time, even when wearing less...:azzangel: :daisy: