Got in a brutal weight workout this morning. Turn down Cheesecake this afternoon and ate and stayed on my deit today. I am one happy girl. God I love cheesecake but I love feeling good more and this girl is hoping to lose 25 lbs. Getting back on track. I never get angry hunger. I don't deny myself of carbs, I just lower it to three servings a day with bread, starch, or pasta. I eat every two to two and a half hours and only for 12 hours. Serving sizes being very small. I eat tons of fruit and vegetables and a hell of a lot of chicken, turkey, and fish.
got home last night and there was a lingerie delivery from so we spent last night trying out outfits for lingerie night. If I'm gonna miss a workout, that's as good a reason for it. We both made the 5:45 spin class this AM. Bagel day at work......
I'm glad to see this thread is still alive. The plan is to run the LA Marathon in March then run wild at Temptation in April.
Got in an hour of aerobic today. 30 on the elliptical and 30 on the spin bike. Kept up with the diet and hoping to say goodbye to the last 2lbs I gained in cancun. Time to start counting backwards from the 17 lbs I lost before cancun.
2 more workouts done by both of us since since I last posted yesterday 45 minutes of elliptical and light weights last nite and 45 minute spin this morning. 20 days to go!!!
Nearly a week in and the challenge is going ok! Great way to kick-start the brain into thinking about food rather than me being lazy and just eating garbage. Be a challenge tonight as attending an ex-colleagues leaving do which includes visit to a restaurant. Should be relatively easy because I don't like the place we're going, making the choice to order a salad much easier!
I'm down 2.5 lbs on my scale at home but my official scale is at the gym and I usually weigh on Tuesday with my trainer.. she is on holidays this week so I cant use the body comp scale without her.. here hoping my scale it right!.. lol
glad to hear your doing great, though I had a late start I'm on track.. and just for the hell of it... I stepped on the scale.. I know it isn't the idea however I'm down 1.8 lb.. and thats just cutting out breads, pasta, rice and potatoe .. I haven't changed anything else.. hmmm wonder what would happen if I started working out again...LOL