singles I do quite a lot of pms from single guys about more info, because I started the singles thread , but they are usually respectful and just need a bit of reasurance, including the one I got from wayne gsc5375.. we were all newbies once and nervous of our first solo visit, and this forum is to help people make friends and feel comfortable and answer questions. :beer4:
It seems to me that... when guys have to ask what are the chances I am going to be getting any, ends up getting none. It's always freaky when someone joins that day and starts PM ing before ever posting!
A lot of the married people on make it sound like this resort are here for them and single ladies only. This is my first trip to temptations but I have been to many adult only resorts for one reason. No kids! Why is it so hard to exept that single men go on vacations too. This resort looks like it is going to be a very fun filled week. And I'm sure I will meet a lot of new friends. But please don't ruin the trip before it even starts. Just my 2 cents
Most single guys are fine, but theres always a few creepers that give the group a bad reputation. Caught one guy at patio,s doing upskirt shots of some girls with his cell phone .He was with a group of 5 other guys waiting for the Coco Bongo bus, The resort is marketed as a sexual revitalization resort, ( amongst other things) Some singles fit in well with the groups others don't and ruin the sexual vibe for others. It is what you make it, go in with a negative attitude and you won't have fun Just my 3 cents