What I found is that there are 2 boxes to submit posts. If you click the higher one...no signature. If you scroll down and hit the lower one in the additional options box (and have show signature checked off)....signature.
testing higher submission What I found is that there are 2 boxes to submit posts. If you click the higher one...no signature. If you scroll down and hit the lower one in the additional options box (and have show signature checked off)....signature. I GUESS I AM WRONG AND GOGO IS CORRECT!!!!!!!!
my co worker was reading local paper and asked if I wanted mine read. I had her clip it for me. Ha ha couldn't resist!!! 3 1/2 weeks for us but only 9 more working days (12 hr). Shifts!!!! I know , I know.... Its a dirty job but someone has to do it!!
Hey Peeps. I did a search and found varying answers...I also posted this in another thread but figured here are were all the veterans of TTR are, so I'll post it again here: I am trying to figure out wifi for cheap-skates. My mom will be watching our 6 month old while we are gone, and as a new mommy I don't think I can not check in daily or at least every other day! Even if only for a min or two. How far is the pirate boat from TTR and can you walk? What about the Starbucks? Also how safe is the area that TTR is in? Hubby doesn't want to leave the resort if we don't have to b/c of all the safety issues with the cartels and stuff. I told him I thought Cancun was pretty safe but he's not buying it...
My husband feels the same way. Doesn't like leaving resort especially if it's just us alone. As a new mommy I can totally understand your wanting to check in with your family. In the past years I would buy a international calling card and use that. Worked well for us. I would call daily , usually first thing in the morning before the drinking started. Just gave me piece of mind.