I thought commando was the only way to go. It would shame my ancestors if I broke their traditional ways.
The pool party was pretty fun last Saturday night. Although the bar closed and music ended way too early. Luckily someone had a small speaker and most of us didnt need anymore drinks anyway. So we kept it going pretty late. Water Chicken fighting turned into seeing how many girls we could stack on top of one of the guys shoulders. Luckily in the center of the pool so no one got hurt once it came crashing down.
Sometimes it takes me a few drinks to get the courage to start splashing my way around the pool and start a conversation so feel free to come say hi!!
We can't wait to dress up and join the fun two weeks. Question for the 24th. Boxers or boxer-briefs with a tie?
Asked the wife the same thing, and she thinks either one will work. It's all about how much, or little, you want to show off.