we are booked Nov 2-10th......a lot of open nights with NO theme! I will take the initiative to start a thread! Very open to suggestions to fill in the open spots early on in the month!! Friday Nov 1-TTR White night/Glow night Saturday Nov 2-Beach Party/Beach or Hawaiian Theme Sunday Nov 3-Naughty School Girl Monday Nov 4-Men's Dress Shirt night Tuesday Nov 5- Wednesday Nov 6- Thursday Nov 7-TTR lingerie/Casino Night Friday Nov 8- TTR White night Saturday Nov 9- Sunday Nov 10- Monday Nov 11- Tuesday Nov 12- Okay u early Nov peeps...............let's fill in the blanks!! I saw someone suggest a comic book, Sci Fi character night?! that sounds cool...........how about on the 5th or 6th.........? Let's go with the suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would assume to say that if no more peeps comment than this we=you and us can do as we please! I have never been this time of year and it seem so dead?! Lets wait it out and see if we get any more suggestions and then we can see who wants what date's...............considering we get any more conversation on the subject?! If not I can totally rock 1/2 nekkid on any night! or a corset ~Rhonda
We were there last November and it was the best trip we've ever had. It was nearly full last year, so I think there will be more than enough people. I think our dates split the Cancuncare groups that's why it seems like it'll be slow. We get a few days with the "Halloween" group at the start and a 2nd group seems to be coming in the 8th-12th. DerekandKelsey will be there October 29th-November 9th and they're a ton of fun, they were there in March during our last trip. bemond11 has a big overlap too, and sound like a fun couple. At the end of the day how can you not have a great time at Temp!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Ditto! this is our 3rd trip at this time............last yr we overlapped the Halloween crowd more........... we found that crowd is older..........or so we noticed. We are young 40's. We usually meet about 4 couples there the same time. Im just hoping this week isn't dead and has some FUN possibilities we travel with JDC3 and Sea Sun Fun and looks like Halifax Dan is still there.............?! maybe we can make our OWN party! BTW when do u two arrive on the 2nd? I think we shall be on property by 11:30am yep we land at 10:25am! I will be pissed if not in room and at pool by 11:30!
BTW when do u two arrive on the 2nd? I think we shall be on property by 11:30am yep we land at 10:25am! I will be pissed if not in room and at pool by 11:30![/QUOTE] You'd like our flight then we land at 5:45am. We'll be getting there just in time to get the last two spots next to the sexy pool! Just hope we can sleep on the flight so we don't crash hard in the afternoon.
You'd like our flight then we land at 5:45am. We'll be getting there just in time to get the last two spots next to the sexy pool! Just hope we can sleep on the flight so we don't crash hard in the afternoon.[/QUOTE] hahahaha!! Max always sleeps on the plane but me NO!!!! we will get a full nights sleep and leave Charlotte NC at 9:30 arrive in Cancun 10:25am! we are premier members so not worried about a chair...............we never sit in it anyways just need a place to stash my bag..........which=premier deck/bar! Room ready upon walk in also! see u sleepy heads at the sexy pool!!!:fish:
Woot! We are threepeaters for March, but we are in desperate need of a vacation and couldn't wait until then. We're down for the corset night idea. We tried a home team sports night last year, but it wasn't met with much participation.. although it was fun. Other ideas I have seen around that seem like they'd be fun might be "sexy occupation" night, superhero night.. all sorts of possibilities. Also, for the naughty schoolgirl night last year, we had the guys wear "a T-shirt that would get you kicked out of class". For example, Todd maybe took the cake with his "Are You Tighter Than a Fifth Grader?" shirt. We're open to ideas.. :huh:
Love the T-Shirt on school girl night haha. I vote for sports night if it means Kelsey wears the same outfit as March. And being a Flames fan you have no idea how much that pains me....
A repeat outfit by popular demand.. lol.. I'm sure that could be arranged. Flames fan.. dang.. will you guys be ready for the season this year? Y'know.. with scooping out all that water from the Saddledome's flood with your one Stanley Cup? ;P By the way, it's Derek's B-Day on Nov 6th. Perhaps a birthday suit theme? Or, not.