Thanks!! Thanks for the update!! Appreciate hearing from you. Glad you now have a confirmation and now can continue to heal. Keep up the great work with not smoking!!! It is tough but you can do it. Going on 7 years of no cigarettes for me. You have great family support with Jannet and so many wonderful friends you will get through this even if it is a slow recovery. Looking forward to seeing you in October!! Safe Travels!! Tina and John
Thanks so much for updating us and for sharing. I will keep praying for you and your family. Nice to hear you will be back in time for the July 22nd cruise. I can't wait to meet you and your wife! Until then, take it one day at a time and stay positive. :ladiesman1:
Get better Steve... It'll be a bit odd not seeing you on the cruise but do what you need to do to get better.
good luck! Good to hear you are getting it addressed. Best wishes on your recovery! Nick (and the nurse Kitty)tm
Hey Steve, well I am glad you got another opinion but sad that it is not gonna help you get rid of that condition once and for all. Take the doctors advice, walk and quit smoking. I am now 16 years smoke free and very glad I did it. You can too, take it one day at a time, it's hard but gets easier. You've got the best reason in the world to do it. Exercise will help get rid of cravings too. Maybe buy a treadmill so you can walk in short spurts many times a day.
Good luck with you change of habits, and we hope that you are able to recover some of the circulation. Living in Cancun should make the walking much easier than if you were living somewhere without the warm weather all year long. I hope the pain when walking eventually subsides. Smoking is one bad habit I don't have, and hope you are able to kick it cleanly. Would hyperbaric oxygen treatments help out with the ulcer?
sorry about your difficulties. its strange what life throws at us when we least expect it. stay strong, and remember that your are well respected, and loved. kiss janet and the kids, hope to see you guys in oct. enjoy your visit with your parents!!