I was disappointed with the food....I didn't go for the food either. The tuna at the Asian place was my favorite, the fajitas are good as well. Compared to the other 10 places we have been in the Cancun area it was the worst food of them all. Having said that, the food is not bad and the place is fun, fun enough Ill go back and have a blast eating mediocre food. You can order from the O menu even if you are not a O member (it is a upgrade membership) for a small fee....worth it.
if you go to temptations for the food, you are going to the wrong place. There is always something to find to eat.
thanks for all the responses, i kinda know now what to expect and hopefully can get reservations to those specialty restaurants!
The asian was really good caution with the sauce they give i burnt my mouth and for 2 hours I was just putting ice Seafood are really delicious didn't try italian! If you didn't have any reservation to the restaurant à la carte, bring a 10-20$ bills they will find you a place Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
oh and most importantly... The only food you really need to worry about is the Paty O's burgers. DO NOT miss them. They are AMAZING.
This can't be emphasized too much. The later in the night and the drunker you are the better. Had one at 4:00am in April and it was like the food of the Gods
Yep the french fries are really good. Just make sure your patty is well cook. Happen to me once! They are better than any burger I got in Cancun. =) and prevent myself to be hangover.. =D