find this thread interesting cause we have been to TTR 6 times and thought that our last time was a success cause neither one of us got sick til the last day. We have tried to discuss this on this forum different times but people were TOO defensive~. We never thought it was a coincidence but many always had an excuse. Our last trip was great I thank a couple that suggested a probiotic 2 weeks prior. I also suggest Ciproflaxin (prescription) on hand just in case at the first indication of illness
We did have some crazy fun whoot whoot party artytime: We were there 6/1-6/7 and had a blast really didn't notice to many people that were sick but I started to feel slightly ill with stomach issues the 6/5 and just thought it had been something that I had eaten since I do have stomach issues to begin with but after getting home I was pretty darn sick with severe stomach issues for about 5days total down for 2. Paul made out OK and did not get ill this trip the only differences we can see with us is that I did start drinking my drinks out of TTR cups because mine had become broken and I eat seafood and Paul will not touch the stuff. I was trying t be so careful to. OH well just glad that it didn't put me down while I was there. The management should really respect their customers complaints and get a handle on this since it does seem to be a TTR issue and very contagious right now. We Love the place and the people and hope they get a handle on it soon, but it will add just a few things to the shopping list and the to-do list next time. Anyone who is heading there in the next few weeks chase it away, stay healthy and HAVE A PARTYING BLAST :lotsofmichaelfs:
I had no issues with 10 days at the end of Feb, and we're shopping for a late fall return visit. Spending the the trip ill is a scary thought. I did that in FL long ago, flying home with a flu is unbearable.
I was there last summer and spent my whole week on the toilet. Nothing too severe, but either way, I had to be close to a loo. I think food and drink hygiene is an issue. I've an advanced qualification in food hygiene as was shocked by the poor standard in the bars when It came to washing glasses. This year I'm taking two bubba mugs, one for the pool and one for the bars at night. Who knows what go on in the kitchen areas. Fingers crossed this sickness doesn't get too serious.
Last year same thing, some try and write it off as too much booze /sun/sugary drinks. There is a big difference between a hangover and the Virus.
I started this thread 2 days ago to make people aware of our experience at TTR last week. I did not mean to scare anyone from going or piss anyone off. However, for those who have taken offense to or are defending the hotel saying Mexico is Mexico, put yourself in the situation of spending $2-3000 for a 7-10 day stay and being sick for over half of that time, not being able to drink for days, and being concerned about everything you go to eat. Its no bueno! I got sick last Saturday, still feel bad, my wife got sick on Monday, and she is still pretty bad. We loved TTR and all the people and entertainment, I hope they get this solved for everyone whos there now and future.
One great benefit of the CCC community is that we all talk, communicate and compare notes. Nick is right, this was pretty widespread. Yes, there's always someone who gets sick, that's normal...but this particular bug ran through the vast majority of the CCC folks that were there during our trip, Tara and I included. That's also why almost half the Boobs Cruise people on 12 June didn't show. I think TTR was taking measures to sanitize things, since I noticed a lot of those efforts on the part of the staff. They are aware of the problem...but as we've discussed, not going to publicize it. Ok, that being said...I wouldn't advise people to stay home. The trip was awesome, the people were great and we had a wonderful time. The CCC members alone made the trip worthwhile, and we made great friends. So best advice is to be aware of it, take a lot of hand sanitizer, lysol wipes, etc... and maybe some probiotitcs and other things that can mitigate the effects. Thankfully for us, it was a 36-hour bug...but others were down longer.
Get there late march my boyfriend was tired half of the week he almost slept 10 hours i was Feeling great except the morning I went to bed at 4 am LOL! Never get sick! With all the rain that's for sure it doesn't Help! I got a steak in seafood like rear and wasn't sick I'll just bring our own mug and everything will be find Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk