Emmy’s First Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by MOFunCouple, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. MOFunCouple

    MOFunCouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 9, 2013
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    We’ve just returned home from 6 days at Temptation (May 31-June 6, 2013). To sum up the week in one word, I would say WET! But here are a bunch more words to fill you in on our trip:

    It was our first trip to Temptation. We honeymooned at another Riviera Maya All Inclusive 6 years ago. We really liked that trip but my husband was bored with the lack of night life and friendly people there. So for this trip we were looking for adults only, inexpensive, beach location and fun. Temptation seemed like a good choice.

    Trip Prep: I will say that I was excited but also very apprehensive about this trip after seeing some reviews. Reading the CCC forum helped me to relax but I was still concerned. I worried that it wouldn’t be a fun or comfortable experience for me. But I was too busy with work to focus on my anxiety about the trip!

    I shopped online for fun outfits. Really liked the items from Yandy.com. Especially several very low cut dresses. My husband and lots of friends seemed to like my dresses too. ;-) I didn’t take regular heels after reading about the slippery walkways. That was a good call. I ended up going barefoot most of the times and even so, earned a huge bruise on my ass from slipping on the stairway leaving our room one day!

    Arrival: The hotel is a beautiful property. I was really worried because of the nature of the resort and also the low price that it might be dirty or not well kept. I was VERY pleasantly surprised! The lobby was a great welcome. The staff were very nice and helpful.

    Our room was 5323, a second floor king room. I was very pleasantly surprised by our room. I’m a slight germaphobe but the room looked and smelled very clean. The Sexy Light is fun and it never turned off during our entire trip! The only downside to our room was that we had to walk outside to get to any public areas. It wouldn’t have been a big deal except that it was pouring rain during almost our entire trip. But normally, would not have been an issue.

    Glow Night: The first night was a white/glow/foam party at Paty O’s. It was a fun start to the week. Right away we met several fun and friendly people.

    Days: It all blends together but generally, it was pouring down rain every single day we were there. Like not a little bit of rain, a freaking flood. Parts of the resort were flooded. There were several feet of water in lower walkways (more than one time) and the sports bar had standing water at least 1 day. We did go get into the sexy pool each day but it was cloudy or drizzling most times. So, this definitely put a damper on the entertainment activities at the pool!

    We met some lovely Canadian friends whose room had flooded. My husband convinced them to complain and get an upgrade to a Jacuzzi room. That turned out to be a trip-saving move because it meant we had someplace to hang out during the downpours! I will say, the hot tubs are sadly rather small. It took some gymnastics, but we made it work for 4 ;-). Hubby says if we hadn’t met them we probably would have left after 1-2 days and gone to Vegas or someplace sunny.

    There’s just not much to do indoors at Temptations. I mean, there are the obvious in-room entertainments, but a girl needs a break from time to time!
    Theme Nights: We did not see many people obviously dressed for CCC themes. I had brought several things but I just wore whatever I wanted. Hubs says we have to be sure to be there on a Thursday next trip for lingerie Night!

    Most nights we enjoyed the sports bar, nice shoos or paty o’s. Even though it rained the parties in paty o’s were the most fun. Only one night was a bummer for night life, but I’m going to blame it on the rain.

    Boobs Cruise: It was cancelled due to the weather. Super bummer.

    Food: Not good. Not terrible, but you definitely get what you pay for in this area. Hubby liked the breakfast buffet. I think lunch options were really limited and disappointing. Dinner was good at the seafood and Italian. And if we’d had only appetizers and dessert at the Asian it would have been great. I had the enchiladas at Margaritas and only could do 1 bite. Grossly spicy.

    I had a stomach sickness for 2 days. Could have been the water or the food or all the drinking. Honestly, it was probably all the boozy whipped cream I had. But when it’s raining, what else are you going to do?!?!?

    Staff: We were very impressed by all of the staff. From room attendants to bartenders to servers, everyone on staff was very friendly and helpful.

    Entertainment: The poolside stuff only really happened 1 or 2 days, but it was super fun. We only caught one evening show – the Hollywood Revue. I was very pleasantly surprised, and that is rare. I used to book talent and now teach dancing so it is VERY hard to impress me with a dance show. I thought it was very good!

    People: The best part was meeting all of the great people. I had worried that I’d feel either pressured to do things I didn’t want to, or that I’d be uncomfortable since I’m not a skinny bitch. Turns out I felt super sexy all week long and never really had unwanted attention or proposition.

    We definitely made the trip the best we could under the shitty weather circumstances. Hubby can’t wait to book the next trip. Unless we succeeded in our #1 goal for the week – making a baby – then we’ll probably be back in the Fall sometime.
  2. Nalisa

    Nalisa Addict Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    Oh that is bummer about the rain. In all the times we have been, we only had one trip that was rainy and cool. (We usually go in Feb). But that can put a damper on activities.
    Glad you still had a good time and hope you will go back for another try. Definitely don't want to miss lingerie night. That is my husband's favorite night too.
  3. BuddhaD

    BuddhaD Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Midwest City
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    So sorry about your trip guys. I know a group of guys that went down the same time as you did. I heard the exact same stories about all the rain. I hope you do get a chance to book again and see how much more fun TTR really can be.
  4. Ali & Andrew

    Ali & Andrew I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    Calgary, Canada
    +67 / 1
    In January we had 2 days of rain and that was bad enough. Sounds like you guys made the best of it and had a great time though :)
  5. Jess_2703

    Jess_2703 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Gatineau, QC
    +621 / 0
    Ok The best time to go in cancun so far is March - April .. April be the best choice.

    That's really sad. and don't forget on vacation specially when the food is really acid of spicy our best friends for the week his name is Tums.

    =) I never go somewhere without that.. Since I'm an addict to stomach burn ..
    And For stomach sickness I bring ginger gravol no sleepy So I can stay up all the day without feeling tired.

    I know one day I was feeling like a piece of shit ( the first one second one ) Stomach burn one after the other.. I empty one bottle of tums .. but the rest of the week I was feeling so good .. =D

    Alot of drink, amazing people, amazing atmosphere.. That's why I can't wait to be there.

    Did you try the Tex Mex ? My boyfriend is the most picki EVER.... he don't like, veggies, fruit, sauce, seafood, pasta salad, cheese, bacon, fatty hamburger. and you know what ? He eat more than me ... :p I lost 6 pounds when I was there.

    I'm not going there to eat anyway =)

    I hope next time weather will be with you :)
  6. TerryB

    TerryB I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    you can get rain anytime if there is a low or a hurricane near by, In the 17 times we have gone we only where rained out two times. Most times there is only a quick shower and it is gone. Glad you still had a great time we missed meeting you by a few days. Come earlier in May next year and meet a great bunch of people. I agree about the food, some of it is good, but in general it sinks. But also that's not why we go there, although it would be nice it the food was better. Glad to see another repeater!
  7. glenn/monique

    glenn/monique Titties n Beer Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Edmonton, canada
    +427 / 1
    Sorry to hear that you had shit weather. Totally sucks when it pours. Come back in April, great weather and awsome friends.
  8. Bart/Annette

    Bart/Annette Life begins at 40!!! Registered Member

    May 31, 2005
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    Near St Louis
    +272 / 0
    Sorry about the rain, but you didn't miss much in MO that week either. 60-70 degrees and raining here that week.
  9. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Liverpool, UK
    +678 / 0
    What a bummer! Resort is a completely different place when it's sunny! Glad you made the best of it though.

    Personally, I think they should fill in the sports pool and build some sort of under cover entertainment hub there, maybe a 20-person hot tub, a bar and a bit of space for DJ and dancing :aktion033:
  10. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Seems like it must of been raining everywhere last week. We had 1 rainout day and 1 rainout night in late April/early May. But even on the rainy day they still had all the events by the pool. Was so impressed with the entertainment staff that they still had a vball tourny in pouring rain.

    Good luck on the making babies thing. In 2010 we went with the same plan to have #3. Didn't happen. Decided TTR opened up a new world to us and we had too much fun so we cancelled plans for #3 and went back to protection. Booked trip #2 and along came baby #3 a couple months before the trip. Funny how that works.

    Glad you made the best of it despite missing out on some of the best parts. Totally agree w your thoughts on the jacuzzi. A must have during bad weather. Definitely give it another shot.
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