That increase also applied to the Desire weeks when it was TTR (in Cabo). PS, look at how well that is going,, they have low occupancy.( Don't know about recent) Don't get me wrong I would be there in a flash but the high rates deter me, and bad flights prevent me.
I certainly try to be decent. As a general rule I'm pretty quiet, don't drink tons, and am not much of a partier. I figure maybe some people can get me out of my shell a little, but otherwise I'm probably gonna be doing a lot of reading by the pool or getting one of those beach massages . Get me to some Karaoke and I'll kick some ass on stage though
As another who has had a membership for 11 years I am in the same boat as you. On this last trip I upgraded the membership primarily to get access to 2 more worldwide exchange programs, (I wasn't very happy with RCI and never got to use it) and they never said a word about going "couples only" at TTR. In fact there is a single rate quoted for TTR while Desire is specified No Singles
This was probably inevitable, as the majority of the guests are couples, and the majority of the problems are caused by single males. Its impossible to police outside of a blanket ban, not surprising at all. I am not heartbroken thats for sure.
I think that it would be a great move personally. One or two singles are never a problem its the Spring break 20 somethings that come in groups because the see TOPLESS OPTION and they think its a free for all. Its a shame for the respectful singles that just want to enjoy a good time. Jen and I ran into a group of 6 single guys that were just putting off a bad vibe. They wanted to party like they were at Oasis and that's just not the same kind of atmosphere at TTR. That's why we decided to choose TTR for adults having a blast not dealing with kids. Just my take on it.
Generally that would make sense. Most of those who create trouble (single, married, other) tend to be the youngest ones at the resort. Telling singles in their mid 30's that they can't come because of the sins of a 22 year old who has a college mindset really makes no sense. Heck the only time I heard people complain about being kept up late at night was a couple that got into what was apparently a huge meltdown of a fight in their room in early May.
I do understand why some people think that this would be a good thing, but it's like using a nuke for the occasional swarm of flies. A lot of innocent people are going to get taken out that do not deserve it!! George
Oh C'mon Keith. . Details. . . .Give us the skinny on the meltdown. I find that gossip amusing. Sorry
Haha I can't unfortunately, it happened somewhere over in the 5000 block and apparently they were yelling and screaming so much that it kept several people up most of the night. To the point that some were fearful it either was going to or had already gotten physical. Apparently the hubby/boyfriend thought that she had been flirting with some guy, which set off the chain of events.